FOI request detail

Cost of erecting screens at Canary Wharf Tube station

Request ID: FOI-2251-1617
Date published: 19 July 2017

You asked

Could you please provide me with the following in relation to the four 7.2m x 4m LED screens recently erected at Canary Wharf Tube station: - Forecast and actual cost to install, - Forecast and actual time taken to install, - Forecast and actual cost (to date) to maintain, - Forecast and actual income (to date) generated from advertisers.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-2551-1617


Thank you for your email received by us 15 February 2017 asking for information about the LED screens at Canary Wharf Tube station. I apologise for the delay in my response.


Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our Information Access Policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you require. You asked:


Could you please provide me with the following in relation to the four 7.2m x 4m LED screens recently erected at Canary Wharf Tube station:


-Forecast and actual cost to install.

-Forecast and actual income (to date) generated from advertisers.


We are not obliged to provide you with the cost of these services as it is subject to a statutory exemption to the right of access to information under section 43(2). In this instance the section 43(2) exemption has been applied as disclosure would, or would be likely to prejudice our commercial interests, as well as those of our supplier. There are other companies who provide similar services and disclosure of the price we currently pay could negatively impact our ability to efficiently procure digital advertising services in the future.


The use of this exemption is subject to an assessment of the public interest in relation to the disclosure of the information concerned. We recognise the need for openness and transparency by public authorities, particularly where the expenditure of public money is concerned, but in this instance the public interest in ensuring that we are able to obtain the best value for public money outweighs the general public interest in increasing transparency of our processes.


-Forecast and actual time taken to install


We anticipated that the screens would take 5 months to install. The work was completed to this schedule between June and October 2016.


-Forecast and actual cost (to date) to maintain


We are unable to provide this information. The maintenance costs are subject to an agreement between our advertising partners, Exterion, and Telent, the company instructed by Exterion to install the screens.


If this is not the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.


Yours sincerely,


Melissa Nichols

FOI Case Officer


FOI Case management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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