FOI request detail


Request ID: FOI-2243-2324
Date published: 18 October 2023

You asked

Thank you for your response regarding my concerns and dissatisfaction with the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Scheme. While I appreciate your efforts to address some of the issues raised in my previous emails, I must express my disappointment with the lack of comprehensive answers and the regurgitation of information that is readily available on your website. It appears that the information you provided has been copied and pasted from your website, without directly responding to the concerns I raised in my previous emails. I would appreciate a more thorough and thoughtful response that directly addresses each of my concerns in a meaningful manner. Firstly, I would like to address your statement regarding the impact of higher emissions on the health of our people and the planet. I have requested specific proof and statistics under the Freedom of Information Act to support your claim that air pollution is directly responsible for children growing up with stunted lungs and thousands of premature deaths annually. I would appreciate if you could provide the requested information to support these assertions. Regarding my previous communication about discrimination within the ULEZ Scheme, I note that you have not adequately addressed this concern. While you mention expanding the ULEZ to outer London as part of your approach to tackling air quality, you have failed to explain why there is a discrepancy in compensating individuals living outside the 32 boroughs of London who are equally affected by the scheme. This discriminatory policy is a significant issue and requires a more comprehensive response. I kindly request that you address this concern and provide an explanation as to why those outside the designated boroughs are not provided with the same compensation and support. Furthermore, I would like to exercise my rights under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and make a formal request for the following information and statistics:       1     Proof comparing air toxicity illnesses against all other illnesses and how the conclusion is reached that these illnesses are caused by air pollution.       2     Statistics on the number of deaths caused by air toxicity in comparison to deaths caused by other illnesses.       3     Evidence to support the claim that the greatest number of deaths are attributed to air pollution in London and its outer boroughs. Lastly, I would like to request information on the methods used to measure air pollution. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I kindly request that you provide the documentation, records, and policies related to how air pollution is measured in relation to the ULEZ Scheme. I expect a prompt and timely response to this formal Freedom of Information request, as required by law. Additionally, I would like to reiterate my previous concern regarding the transparency and clarity of the payment process for the ULEZ Scheme. It is a universally accepted principle that individuals have the right to see what they are paying for before making any payments. I find it unacceptable that your system does not provide a means for motorists to verify if they have driven in the zone or to see any outstanding payments. This lack of transparency and clarity not only undermines the rights of citizens but also poses safety risks as motorists may be distracted while attempting to navigate an unclear payment system. I request that you reevaluate this aspect of the ULEZ Scheme and provide a clear and concise means for motorists to verify their payments and outstanding fees. I anticipate a comprehensive and satisfactory response to all of my concerns within 14 days. Failure to address these concerns adequately may leave me no choice but to escalate the matter further. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

We answered

TfL Ref: EIR-2243-2324

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 22nd September 2023 asking for information about the ULEZ scheme.

Your requests for specific, recorded information have been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) and our information access policy. 

Specifically you asked:

I have requested specific proof and statistics under the Freedom of Information Act to support your claim that air pollution is directly responsible for children growing up with stunted lungs and thousands of premature deaths annually. I would appreciate if you could provide the requested information to support these assertions.”


Furthermore, I would like to exercise my rights under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and make a formal request for the following information and statistics:

      1     Proof comparing air toxicity illnesses against all other illnesses and how the conclusion is reached that these illnesses are caused by air pollution.
      2     Statistics on the number of deaths caused by air toxicity in comparison to deaths caused by other illnesses.
      3     Evidence to support the claim that the greatest number of deaths are attributed to air pollution in London and its outer boroughs.

Lastly, I would like to request information on the methods used to measure air pollution. Under the Freedom of Information Act, I kindly request that you provide the documentation, records, and policies related to how air pollution is measured in relation to the ULEZ Scheme.”

The evidence of the health impacts of air pollution in London which was used to inform the expansion of the scheme can be found in the following report undertaken by Imperial College London:

The report was commissioned by City Hall and found that ‘ 2019, in Greater London, the equivalent of between 3,600 to 4,100 deaths were estimated to be attributable to air pollution, considering that health effects exist even at very low levels. This calculation is for deaths from all causes including respiratory, lung cancer and cardiovascular deaths’. The report goes into detail as to how the statistic was calculated and provides a breakdown by borough in the summary tables.

Further information about the rationale for the expansion of the ULEZ scheme and the health impacts of air pollution, and more information about measuring air quality in London, can be found online via the following links: - ULEZ expansion consultation materials, supporting information and subsequent reports (see the documents to the bottom right of the page);  - the ULEZ Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). This includes information on the forecast number of deaths that would be prevented by London-wide ULEZ  (see Chapter 6.2). Appendix A of the IIA contains the Quantitative Health Assessment undertaken for London-wide ULEZ; – World Health Organisation air pollution pages; - the UK Government air quality strategy for England; - website of the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants; - the ‘Chief Medical Officer’s annual report 2022: air pollution’; - London Datastore air quality data; - London Air Quality Network website; - Air Quality England website.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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