FOI request detail

Bus emmissions on Chamberlayne Road, London, NW10

Request ID: FOI-2075-1617
Date published: 24 February 2017

You asked

Firstly, in my originating request I had specifically asked for results for NO2 emissions. You have provided results for NOx (oxides of nitrogen), which mainly comprises of two molecules - nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). It is the NO2 results I am interested. I presume that in testing for an overall result of NOx, you would have also tested for and obtained individual results on NO and NO2 by bus type so as to get an understanding of what was happening with either - was it falling or increasing? Therefore, please provide NO2 results for each Euro gen bus serving Chamberlayne Road. Alongside the results requested above, please provide EU emission limits for each Euro gen bus, as just providing the results on their own is meaningless. The table below will give you an idea as to how I would like you to present the information for BUS TYPES 2012, 2015 and 2018: Route 2012 Bus type EU NO2 Limit (g/km) NO2 (g/km) Test Result km NO2 (tonnes) 6 Euro III DD 28 Euro III DD 52 Euro II DD 187 Euro V diesel SD 302 Euro III DD 452 Euro IV DD Secondly, the test results for NOx that you have provided in the excel spreadsheet are meaningless, as there are no base lines i.e. Euro Limits to compare them with. Therefore, can you please provide Euro Limits for each euro gen bus type 2012, 2015 and 2018. The table below provides you with an idea of how I would like this information to be displayed. Route 2012 Bus type EU NOx Limit (g/km) NOx (g/km) km NOx (tonnes) 6 Euro III DD 28 Euro III DD 52 Euro II DD 187 Euro V diesel SD 302 Euro III DD 452 Euro IV DD

We answered

Thank you for your email received on 24 January 2017 asking for information about bus emissions.


TfL principally holds NOx data on buses and only has NO2 data for more recent vehicles that have joined the fleet. This is because NOx is the legislative measure for vehicle emissions, not NO2. As NOx is made up of a proportion of NO2 and NO, we have estimated the content for the vehicles for which we do not hold the NO2 data. It is also not possible to advise on how the results from London testing relate to those from European Union protocols as one is engine power output-emissions test in g/kw-hr and our emissions factors are from a chassis dynamometer test in grammes per kilometre (g/km). As the basis of each test is fundamentally different, the results are not comparable.


The EU regulatory frameworks for buses is available here:  We do not hold data on the EU tests as manufacturers must comply with these requirements. However, if you require further information, this site may be of interest to you:


If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.


If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.


Yours sincerely


Graham Hurt


FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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