FOI request detail

Number of contractors leaving as a result of the Off-Payroll Working changes

Request ID: FOI-2064-1617
Date published: 14 February 2017

You asked

Please can you provide statistics on the number of 'Personal Service Company' contractors who fall into each of the 5 option classes as detailed in the memo from Charlotte Johns, Head of Recruitment Operations relating to off-payroll working in the public sector circulated in late December 2016, i.e.: "The options are as follows: 1. Individual continues as NPL and converts to PAYE status (see glossary). Transfers to new contract before Friday 17 February 2017; 2. Individual continues as NPL and converts to umbrella company status (see glossary) by Friday 17 February 2017; 3. Individual converts to an employee on a permanent or fixed term contract. This will need to go through the normal recruitment approval and Headcount Controls process and managers will work with HR Business Partners to get this done; 4. Individual stops working for TfL. This would need to happen before Wednesday 5 April 2017 to comply with the legislation. If this option is the individual’s choice, you will be able to replace them with a new person or employee as in options 1, 2 or 3 above; 5. Critical individuals who cannot be put into the above options must be highlighted to the NPL team as a priority and we will review all options in order to retain their skills and deliver the work required by the business." Please break your response down by business unit (e.g. Surface Transport, London Underground) and directorate.

We answered

Our ref: FOI-2064-1617


Thank you for your email received on 23 January 2017 asking for information about contractors.


Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy.


However, we do not hold the information you have requested. This is because the five options presented in your request are no longer valid. Whilst we did email all contractors in December 2016 asking them to pick one of the five options by 20 January 2017, we have since re-evaluated and lifted the deadline – also providing other options, depending on the business area and needs. If you require further information regarding these, please let us know.


If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.


Yours sincerely


Graham Hurt


FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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