FOI request detail

Investment Advertisements

Request ID: FOI-2037-2122
Date published: 30 December 2021

You asked

• Could you please list how many adverts have been displayed on the London Transport Network in 2021 that relate to o a) Cryptocurrency o b) Investing o Please list the amount of adverts according to type of transport (underground, bus, overground etc) • Please provide a full list of all companies that have paid for these types of advertisements • Can you also let me know how much each company has paid for advertisements on the tube in: o a) 2021 o b) over the last 5 years

We answered

Our Ref:         FOI-2037-2122

Thank you for your request received on 5 December 2021 asking for information about advertisements placed on our network.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we hold some of the information you require. You asked:

1.         Could you please list how many adverts have been displayed on the London Transport Network in 2021 that relate to
a)         Cryptocurrency

Please see the information requested in the table below:

Figure 1 - Name of company and number of adverts displayed on our advertising network in 2021* relating to cryptocurrency
Year of Booking          Company        No. of adverts (all formats)     Length of time booked           
2020     4 x D6s            1/1/2020 - TBC          
2020    Luno Money Ltd          150 x Supersides        14/12/2020 - 10/1/2021          
2020    Luno Money Ltd          250 x New Bus for London (NBfL)     14/12/2020 - 10/1/2021          
2020    Luno Money Ltd          150 x 16 sheets           14/12/2020 - 10/1/2021          
2020    Luno Money Ltd          320 x 6 sheet  14/12/2020 - 10/1/2021          
2020    Luno Money Ltd          320 x 6 sheets            14/12/2020 - 10/1/2021          
2020    Luno Money Ltd          150 x Supersides        14/12/2020 - 10/1/2021          
2020    Luno Money Ltd          250 x NBfL      14/12/2020 - 10/1/2021          
2021    Etoro   200 x 6 sheets 15/11/2021 - 28/11/2021        
2021    Etoro   20 x 58 sheets 15/11/2021 - 28/11/2021        
2021    Etoro   2200 x TCPS 15/11/2021 - 28/11/2021        
2021    Floki    300 x Supersides        18/10/2021 - 31/2010/21        
2021    Floki    300 x Lift & Escalator Panels (LEPs) 18/10/2021 - 31/2010/21        
2021    Floki    2200 x Tube and Rail Car Panels (TRCPs)   18/10/2021 - 31/2010/21        
2021    Floki    78 x D6s          18/10/2021 - 31/2010/21        
2021    BOTS  3300 x TCPs   18/10/2021- 31/10/2021         
2021    BOTS  3300 x TCPs   01/11/2021- 14/111/2021       
2021    BOTS  3300 x TCPs   29/11/2021- 12/12/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          719 x 6 sheet  19/04/2021-02/05/2021          
2021    Luno Money Ltd          200 x Supersides        17/05/2021- 30/05/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          75 x bb (New Bus for London)            17/05/2021- 30/05/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          75 x 12 sheet  17/05/2021- 30/05/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          75 x 04            17/05/2021- 30/05/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          4400 x TCPs   17/05/2021- 30/05/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          150 x Supersides        14/12/2020- 10/01/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          250 x BB         14/12/2020- 10/01/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          200 x Superside          14/06/2021- 27/06/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          75 x bb (New Bus for London)            14/06/2021- 27/06/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          75 x 04            14/06/2021- 27/06/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          75 x 12 sheet  14/06/2021- 27/06/2021         
2021    Luno Money Ltd          4400 x TCPs   14/06/2021- 27/06/2021         
2021    Win Investing  1 x Superside  18/10/2021- 31/10/2021         
2021    Win Investing  2200 x TCPs   18/10/2021- 31/10/2021         
2021    Gadget Geek  24 x Supersides          29/11/2021 - 13/12/2021        
2021    Gadget Geek  64 x LEPs       29/11/2021 - 13/12/2021        
2021    Gadget Geek  1100 x TCPs   29/11/2021 - 13/12/2021        
2021    Coinbase         95 x D6           19/07/2021 - 01/08/2021        
2021    Coinbase         20  x D6s         19/07/2021 - 08/08/2021        
2021    V3 Digital         37 x 16 sheet  28/06/2021- 11/07/2021         
2021    V3 Digital         4 x 48 sheet    28/06/2021- 11/07/2021         
2021    Hakuna Matata           15 x Superside            12/07/2021- 25/07/2021         
2021    Hakuna Matata           10 x Superside            12/07/2021- 25/07/2021         
2021    Hakuna Matata           30 x 4 sheet    12/07/2021- 25/07/2021         
2021    Hakuna Matata           10 x Superside            26/07/2021- 08/08/2021         
2021    Hakuna Matata           15 x Superside            26/07/2021- 08/08/2021
2021    Hakuna Matata           35 x 04            26/07/2021- 08/08/2021         
2021    Puglife 21 x D6           1/6/2021 - 14/06/2021
2021    Hex     36 x 16 sheet  12/07/2021- 25/07/2021         
2021    Hex     8800 x TCPs   12/07/2021- 25/07/2021         
2021    Bitcoin Point    42 x lower rears
94 x Lower Deck (LD) 08/11/2021- 05/12/2021 08/11/2021- 05/12/2021     
2021    Kraken 533 x 6 sheets 20/09/2021 - 12/12/2021        
2021    Kraken 257 x D6         20/09/2021 - 03/10/2021        
*Quarter (Q) 1-2 (April 2021-September 2021)
b)         Investing

We are unable to provide this information as it is not a defined category that our media partners report against.

2.         Please list the amount of adverts according to type of transport (underground, bus, overground etc)

We do not hold this information. Most advertising campaigns are purchased from general distribution packages, which include assets across multiple modes, such as DLR, tube, and TfL Rail.
a)         Please provide a full list of all companies that have paid for these types of advertisements

See Figure 1. 
3.         Can you also let me know how much each company has paid for advertisements on the tube in:
a) 2021
b) over the last 5 years

We have provided the revenue from all cryptocurrency campaigns on our networks from 2018/19 to Q1 and Q2 in 2021 in Figure 2 below. Some of the campaigns will have featured non-cryptocurrency content.

Figure 2 - Revenue from all cryptocurrency campaigns and all trading platform campaigns on TfL’s advertising network*
Year    Total Revenue (£)
2018/2019       444,361
2019/2020       165,023
2020/2021 (Q1-Q2)    215,861
TOTAL 825,245
*We do not receive revenue from adverts on buses, however bus adverts do still have to comply with our advertising policy. The campaign details for bus campaigns are included in Figure 1
*Includes revenue for a campaign for Kraken which started in September 2021 but runs until December 2021

Our media partners classify advertising sales into a range of pre-defined categories using the sales representative’s best judgement based upon the copy to be shown in the advertisement. Please note that the figures provided above is the gross figure received, it is not what TfL receives from these campaigns. Please note that any revenue received by TfL from these campaigns forms a small proportion of TfL’s overall income from commercial media. We are not able to break these figures down into quarters, as they are booked as one campaign. For example: ‘Etoro’ booked a campaign with four advert designs; two of which were for cryptocurrencies and the other two for stock investments. Therefore, the whole campaign has been included in Figure 2. 
We do not hold data from before 2018, as that was the first year that we requested to see all cryptocurrency bookings from our media partners. Prior to that any cryptocurrency advertising was not recorded as a separate category.

In accordance with the FOI Act, we are not obliged to provide the information we hold on the revenue received from each individual company as it is subject to a statutory exemption to the right of access to information under section 43(2) – prejudice to commercial interests.

In this instance the section 43(2) exemption has been applied as disclosure would be likely to prejudice our commercial interests as well as those of our media partners, by affecting our ability to achieve best value from our advertising estate.

The use of this exemption is subject to an assessment of the public interest in relation to the disclosure of the information concerned. We recognise the need for openness and transparency by public authorities, but in this instance the public interest in ensuring that we can benefit the public purse by achieving the best value from our advertising estate outweighs the general public interest in increasing transparency of our processes.

If this is not the information you are looking for please feel free to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]

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