Request ID: FOI-1994-2425 Date published: 16 October 2024
You asked
Pease see the following Freedom of Information request. The request relates to the London Wide ULEZ 6 Month Monitoring Report you published in July.
1 The report mentions 4,000 premature deaths related to air quality. What is your definition of premature? What is the average number of life-days lost per casualty and what proportion of the whole would be identified as -
a) heavy smokers
b) having an industrial respiratory disease
c) having some other form of cancer?
2.The report mentions concern about the long term effects of pollution. What measurements are available to compare the relative health of those who drive for a living in London such as bus drivers and taxi drivers both of which spend most of their working day in London, with the general London population?
3.What is the target date for the entire TfL bus fleet to meet ULEZ compliance requirements.
4. What measures are being taken to contain nitrogen dioxide and particulates from sources other than transport?
We answered
Our Ref: FOI-1994-2425
Thank you for your request received on 24 September 2024 asking for information related to the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) Six Month Report.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. You asked:
The request relates to the London Wide ULEZ 6 Month Monitoring Report you published in July.
1. The report mentions 4,000 premature deaths related to air quality. What is your definition of premature? What is the average number of life-days lost per casualty and what proportion of the whole would be identified as – a) heavy smokers b) having an industrial respiratory disease c) having some other form of cancer?
The 4,000 premature deaths figure cited in the London-wide ULEZ Six Month Report originates from a study funded by TfL and the Greater London Authority and undertaken by Imperial College London. The report details the method used to calculate the findings:
2. The report mentions concern about the long term effects of pollution. What measurements are available to compare the relative health of those who drive for a living in London such as bus drivers and taxi drivers both of which spend most of their working day in London, with the general London population?
We do not hold this information. However, you can find more information on in-vehicle exposure to traffic and road-generated air pollution in the following study:
3. What is the target date for the entire TfL bus fleet to meet ULEZ compliance requirements.
Our core bus fleet became Low Emission Zone (LEZ) compliant (the LEZ standards are the same as the ULEZ standards) in January 2021. More information regarding the bus fleet is available on our website: