FOI request detail

Additional Revenue Collected from Tram Link Customers Touching OUT

Request ID: FOI-1962-2223
Date published: 02 December 2022

You asked

Dear Transport for London, Whilst using the tram network it has become apparent that despite not being required to do so, many Customers are touching out after exiting trams. If you have the following information it would be most helpful. 1) For the last 5 years, how much additional Revenue has been received on Tram Link by Customers touching out upon completion of their journey? (I appreciate that this may be difficult to ascertain as each touch on a validator would most likely be treated as a new journey). 2) Is there any logic or algorithm within the Oyster system to detect such occurrences? 3) could signage on validators be made clearer that customers only need to touch in (same as for bus) and not touch out? Put information in trams also maybe? 4) Is there any mechanism within the Oyster system to automate refund tram touch outs made in error perhaps by detection of touch in at 2 locations within a set time period within the running time of a maximum end to end tram journey. 5) if no such data exists or no thought given to this, has Tfl conducted any observational surveys at tram stops to ascertain the level of touch outs made by customers upon exiting trams? If not why not? (There may of course be the odd situation when someone had to rush for the tram and didn’t touch in prior to boarding and honestly touched out upon exit in order to pay a fare)

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-1962-2223

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 10th November 2022 asking for information about revenue collected from London Trams customers touching out at the end of their journeys.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. Your questions are answered in turn below.

Question 1) For the last 5 years, how much additional Revenue has been received on Tram Link by Customers touching out upon completion of their journey?

Answer: TfL does not hold the requested information. Tram journeys only consist of an entry validation.  We do not identify exit validations on the Tram. The only location where exit validations can be recorded is at the gates at Wimbledon, but if there is no corresponding entry validation then we do not know where the journey started. Further, note the answer to Question 2 below.

Question 2) Is there any logic or algorithm within the Oyster system to detect such occurrences?

Answer: Since Pay As You Go on Oyster was first introduced, it has always been the case that if there is a second validation at a Tram Stop within a defined period from the first Tram Stop validation, it is treated as part of a continuing journey for a single fare – there is no additional charge.  Since the Bus Hopper was introduced in September 2016, this time limit has been set at 60 minutes and extended to all validations within that time period.

Question 3) could signage on validators be made clearer that customers only need to touch in (same as for bus) and not touch out? Put information in trams also maybe?

Answer: This is not a request for recorded information under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act. That said, the signage on the network makes it clear that customers should touch in to start their tram journey, and there is no reference to any requirement to touch out.  Further information is available on our website here:

Question 4) Is there any mechanism within the Oyster system to automate refund tram touch outs made in error perhaps by detection of touch in at 2 locations within a set time period within the running time of a maximum end to end tram journey.

Answer: As described above in answer to Question 2, this is not needed as all validations within 60 minutes are considered to be part of the same journey.

Question 5) if no such data exists or no thought given to this, has Tfl conducted any observational surveys at tram stops to ascertain the level of touch outs made by customers upon exiting trams?  If not why not?

Answer: As per answer to Question 2, the system already ensures that customers are not overcharged within a defined period of time, so there is no impact from this behaviour.

If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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