FOI request detail

Impact of the ultra low emmission charge

Request ID: FOI-1926-1920
Date published: 24 October 2019

You asked

Hello Please can you let me have the following information. This relates to the ultra low congestion charge 1. How the 12.50 daily charge was arrived at 2. Where was the charge advertised. This is specifically for non london residents 3. What information is available for drivers entering the ultra low emmission zone. For example the dartford crossing has signage informing drivers that there is a charge and allows the opportunity to exit beforehand 4. Where a fine is issued and is not received what process is allowed to appeal the £240 fine 5. What happens if someone has difficulty paying the fine. 6. How much of the fine is used towards administration and additional cost to transport for london 7. What positive impact has the charge had on the environment and pollution in the charge zone 8. What does the charge help to fund

We answered

TfL Ref: 1926-1920

Thank you for your request received by us on 26 September 2019 asking for information about the Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ).

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold the information you require. You asked:

1. How the 12.50 daily charge was arrived at

The requirement to pay the daily charge is set out in the Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging Scheme Order, which is the legislation governing the ULEZ. Under the terms of the Scheme Order, most drivers of non-compliant vehicles are required to pay a £12.50 daily charge, however there is a £100 daily charge for heavier vehicles. Further details, and a copy of the Scheme Order, can be found on our website.

2. Where was the charge advertised. This is specifically for non london residents

Prior to the ULEZ going live on 8 April 2019, TfL endeavoured to provide adequate information to ensure that all motorists, including those living outside London, were aware of the ULEZ and how it operates. As well as placing signage at each entry and exit point and along all main approaches to the zone, our website features a detailed map of the zone boundary. There is also a location check facility, which enables motorists to enter a postcode, street name or location name to verify whether or not their journey took them through the zone.

Having passed signage to make them aware that they are entering or leaving the zone, the onus is ultimately on drivers to familiarise themselves with the rules of the scheme and ensure that the charge is paid within the prescribed timeframe.
To help drivers get ready for the ULEZ, in the year before the scheme went live the Mayor and TfL delivered a co-ordinated awareness campaign to ensure as many drivers as possible were aware of the ULEZ. The online TfL vehicle checker has been used over 6.6 million times. Together the Mayor and TfL:
· Sent 3.3 million emails to TfL registered users reminding them of the ULEZ.
· Sent 600,000 letters through the DVLA to drivers who entered the Congestion Charge zone since October 2018, informing them that they would need to upgrade their vehicle to be compliant with the ULEZ.
· Spoke with 6,000 fleet operators and more than 1,000 small businesses, charities and health services.
· Installed 300 road signs at all entry points on the boundary of the zone and on key approach roads, as well as using 140 variable message signs across London to warn motorists ULEZ was coming.
· Developed an extensive ULEZ website, which has been visited more than 1.8 million times .
· Issued posters and digital displays across the whole TfL network, alongside print, radio, online adverts and email newsletters.
· Created social media content.
3. What information is available for drivers entering the ultra low emmission zone. For example the dartford crossing has signage informing drivers that there is a charge and allows the opportunity to exit beforehand
As previously mentioned, we have installed 300 road signs on the outer boundary of the zone and on key approach roads. The signs sit alongside or below existing Congestion Charge signs. These signs give drivers time to choose not to enter the zone if they don’t wish to pay the charge, or potentially be issued with a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) for entering the zone without payment.
4. Where a fine is issued and is not received what process is allowed to appeal the £240 fine

The statutory process by which PCNs for non-payment of the ULEZ charge are issued and enforced is set out in the Scheme Order, the Road User Charging (Charges and Penalty Charges) (London) Regulations and the Road User Charging (Enforcement and Adjudication) (London) Regulations. PCNs are issued to the registered keeper of the vehicle at the address held by the DVLA. A Charge Certificate, increasing the penalty to £240, may be issued if the PCN is not paid or a representation is not received within 28 days. The statutory process provides that if a driver receives a Charge Certificate for non-payment of a PCN, they can either pay the increased penalty or wait a further 14 days to receive the Order for Recovery (OfR). On receipt of the OfR, they can submit a statutory declaration to Traffic Enforcement Centre at Northampton County Court on the grounds that they did not receive the original PCN. Further details can be found in the ULEZ enforcement process section of our website. While drivers can contact us at any time about a PCN, please note that we may advise them to follow the statutory process.

5. What happens if someone has difficulty paying the fine.

We consider all cases on an individual basis. If someone is having trouble paying a PCN they can contact us to discuss this.

6. How much of the fine is used towards administration and additional cost to transport for london

We do not hold information.

7. What positive impact has the charge had on the environment and pollution in the charge zone
We have published a report with this information 6 months into the scheme and it can be found using the following link:

8. What does the charge help to fund

All of our ULEZ income after costs is reinvested back into delivering the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy. For further details, please refer to the TfL Business Plan available on our website. A copy of the Mayor’s Air Quality Strategy can be found on the GLA website.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely


Jasmine Howard
FOI Case Officer
Information Governance
Transport For London

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