FOI request detail

ICT Service Desk (or IT Service Management)

Request ID: FOI-1915-1920
Date published: 15 October 2019

You asked

I hope you can help me with an exercise we are conducting, to understand more about the Procurement Strategies in the Public Sector; specifically within Local Authorities and around the take up of G Cloud. The information you provide as part of this Freedom of Information exercise will help us to understand the most appropriate way of interacting with Local Authorities in their buying cycles. 1) Is your current IT Service Management function and associated software application based in house or Outsourced to a 3rd Party? 2) Please provide the full name and version of the ITSM software application in use? 3) What is the lifetime value of the contract and over how many years? 4) As part of the existing contract how many support operatives (agents) are licenced/subscribed to use the solution? (These are individuals who work on the desk in resolver groups, not customers using a Self-Service function). 5) When is the contract due for renewal? 6) How was the current solution procured – directly with the Vendor, through a Framework or via G Cloud? 7) What are your published procurement thresholds for tendering purposes? 8) What is the Authority’s strategy with regards to Cloud solutions as opposed to In House installations? 9) Has the organisation ever procured through the G Cloud Framework?

We answered

Our ref: FOI-1915-1920

Thank you for your request received on 25 September 2019 asking for information about our IT systems.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our Information Access Policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you requested. You asked:

1) Is your current IT Service Management function and associated software application based in house or Outsourced to a 3rd Party?

Our current IT Service Management function and associated software application is hosted, developed and supported in-house.

2) Please provide the full name and version of the ITSM software application in use?

We use Remedy v7.6 and we’re imminently upgrading to Remedy v19.02 – which is expected to launch before the end of this month.

3) What is the lifetime value of the contract and over how many years?

This is a  2 year contract for Support and Maintenance of BMC Remedy licences v7.6  and was awarded to Insight (Fusion providing 3rd party support) in 2017, expiring on 30 December 2019. 

In accordance with the FOI Act, we are not obliged to supply the lifetime value of the contract as it is subject to a statutory exemption to the right of access to information under section 43(2).

In this instance the exemption has been applied as disclosure of the information you have requested is commercially sensitive. Disclosing specific details of contract values would effectively prejudice our commercial interests as it would be likely to prejudice our ability to negotiate the best value for money with future suppliers.

The use of this exemption is subject to an assessment of the public interest in relation to the disclosure of the information concerned. TfL recognises the need for openness and transparency by public authorities, particularly where there is use of public assets, but in this instance the public interest in ensuring that TfL is able to obtain the best value from public assets, outweighs the general public interest in increasing transparency of TfL’s processes.

4) As part of the existing contract how many support operatives (agents) are licenced/subscribed to use the solution? (These are individuals who work on the desk in resolver groups, not customers using a Self-Service function).

1,031 individuals are licenced/subscribed to use the solution.

5) When is the contract due for renewal?

The contract renewal date is 31st December 2019.

6) How was the current solution procured – directly with the Vendor, through a Framework or via G Cloud?

A competitive exercise was conducted via an internal TfL framework (Reseller & Services framework between the three reseller suppliers under that framework).

7) What are your published procurement thresholds for tendering purposes?

Public Contracts Regulations 2015




EU threshold




TfL internal thresholds




Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 Supplies Services Works Light Touch Regime




EU threshold




TfL internal thresholds




Concession Contracts Regulations 2016




EU threshold




TfL internal thresholds




8) What is the Authority’s strategy with regards to Cloud solutions as opposed to In House installations?

We’ll deploy a solution which meets the organisation’s requirements. Feasibility assessments would be based on functionality, support and maintainability, longevity/upgradability and the total cost of ownership based on CAPEX and OPEX spend over an annual, five yearly and ten yearly basis.

9) Has the organisation ever procured through the G Cloud Framework?


If this is not the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

Melissa Nichols

FOI Case Officer

General Counsel

Transport for London

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