Request ID: FOI-1845-2122 Date published: 21 December 2021
You asked
1. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation after suffering a injury while using the London Underground network. Also state what the total in compensation paid out for each year was and the three largest amounts of compensation paid.
2. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation after suffering a injury when trapped in the doors of a underground train. Also state what the total in compensation paid out each year was and the three largest amounts of compensation paid.
3. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation after suffering a injury when injured on an escalator on the underground network. Also state what the total in compensation paid out each year was and the three largest amounts of compensation paid.
4. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation after suffering a injury when injured at a ticket barrier on the underground network. Also state what the total in compensation paid out each year was and the three largest amounts of compensation paid.
NOTE: I expect that the answer to Q.1 is the global figure for all compensation on the underground and the answers to Q.2, Q3 and Q4 are subsets within the response to Q.1.
NOTE: The question relates to when the compensation was paid rather than when the incident took place or when the claim for compensation was lodged.
Please note I am not seeking the number of claims received in the last three years. This question relates to claims paid in each of the last three years regardless of when the claim was lodged.
We answered
Our Ref: FOI-1845-2122
Thank you for your request received on 23 November 2021 clarifying your request asking for information about passenger claims on the London Underground.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you require. You asked:
1. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation after suffering a injury while using the London Underground network. Also state what the total in compensation paid out for each year was and the three largest amounts of compensation paid.
There was a total of 127 claims in total with payments raised over the three financial years.
• 2018/19 – 56 claims with payments, totalling £404,238.31. The top three largest payments were £80,000, £35,000 and £21,311.00 • 2019/20 – 48 claims with payments, totalling £922,769.95. The top three largest payments were £573.347.15, £50,000 and £33.000. • 2020/21 – 23 claims with payments, totalling £192,230.87. The top three largest payments were £29,531.00, £16,500.00 and £13,930.52.
2. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation after suffering a injury when trapped in the doors of a underground train. Also state what the total in compensation paid out each year was and the three largest amounts of compensation paid.
There was a total of 15 claims with payments raised relating to train doors over the three financial years.
• 2018/19 – 0 payments, totalling £0 • 2019/20 – 8 payments, totalling £32,479.44. The top three largest payments were £14,000, £8,543.00 and £3,160.00 • 2020/21 – 7 payments, totalling £21,120.00. The top three largest payments were £16,500 and £2,000 and £1,000
3. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation after suffering a injury when injured on an escalator on the underground network. Also state what the total in compensation paid out each year was and the three largest amounts of compensation paid.
There was a total of 2 claims with payments raised relating to Escalators.
• 2018/19 – 0 payments, totalling £0 • 2019/20 – 2 payments, totalling £33,886.00. The top three largest payments were £26,386.00 and £7,500.00 (there wasn’t a third) • 2020/21 – 0 payments, totalling £0
4. For each of the last three financial years (i) 2018/19, (ii) 2019/20 and (iii) 2020/21 please state how many claims you paid to passengers who had made a claim for compensation after suffering a injury when injured at a ticket barrier on the underground network. Also state what the total in compensation paid out each year was and the three largest amounts of compensation paid.
There were no compensation payments raised in relation to ticket barrier injuries.
Please note that we are unable to provide a breakdown of whether the payments made were a full settlement or if they were interim payments. To provide this would exceed the ‘appropriate limit’ of £450 set by the Freedom of Information (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004 as it would take over 18 hours to collate the requested information.
If this is not the information you are looking for please feel free to contact me.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.
Yours sincerely
Gemma Jacob Senior FOI Case Officer FOI Case Management Team General Counsel Transport for London