FOI request detail

Route 257 arrangements

Request ID: FOI-1785-2425
Date published: 24 September 2024

You asked

Can the following be answered/shared in relation to the 257 not serving the Walthamstow Central station due to the loss of just one stand and TfL providing what seems to be misleading information on the length of time it was due to be away from the station. 1. Can any email/notes be released detailing the decision to remove 257 including any interaction with Waltham Forest council? 2. Why was 1 September selected? What were the steps to get the 257 back by this date? Please share the plans. 3. What has caused the date to be missed? 4. According to TfL board paper, there are longer term plans to redesign station with permanent lights towards the end of 2024. Therefore, what was the difference between the plan to get the 257 back by 1 September and the plan to redesign the station? Were they independent plans? 5. There are three unused stands at Walthamstow Central. Two are parallel to Selborne Road and one is at the exit. Why are they not being used and why were they not made usable to enable the 257 to stay at WC considering the loss of a stand? As of today, there are cones surrounding two stands and that has been the case for what seems like years. 6. 257 uses the station in the evening due to fewer buses. Therefore why does it not use the station all day on Sundays when there are fewer buses. 7. Why was 1 November selected as the new return date? What are the steps to get it back by this date? Please share the plans.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-1785-2425


Thank you for your request which we received on 1 September 2024, asking for information about the bus route 257.


Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. 


  1. Can any email/notes be released detailing the decision to remove 257 including any interaction with Waltham Forest council?


Following the death of a pedestrian at Walthamstow Bus station in December 2023, we have been investigating the circumstances of the incident and measures to prevent a recurrence. As part of a wider review of pedestrian and vehicle safety across our bus stations, and following guidance from the Health and Safety Executive, we introduced temporary changes to the design of crossings within the bus station to improve and better control the overall safe movement of pedestrians and buses. This has involved installing a temporary signalised pedestrian crossing at the northern end of the bus station, as well as altering the turn manoeuvre so that buses approach the crossing more head‑on to improve visibility, and to shorten the crossing distance for pedestrians.


To facilitate the safety improvements, a number of stand spaces need to be reduced by one stand. Walthamstow Bus station is a busy station and the operational decision was taken to temporarily remove a route from the bus station in line with the reduction in stand space. The route 257 was identified as the most viable option. We are investigating how we can safely re-introduce the 257 to Walthamstow Bus station. Any proposals to change the bus network permanently would require Director approval and Public Consultation.


There are no notes we can provide, the decision to withdraw the route was based on discussions and passenger data provided at the time.


  1. Why was 1 September selected? What were the steps to get the 257 back by this date? Please share the plans.


The decision to look at returning route 257 to Walthamstow station in September was to allow time for data to be collected on the current use of the stand spaces within the bus station. The analysis of this data is still ongoing.


  1. What has caused the date to be missed? 


Analysis of the data collected is still ongoing and we continue to investigate how we can safely re-introduce the 257 back to Walthamstow Bus Station.


  1. According to TfL board paper, there are longer term plans to redesign station with permanent lights towards the end of 2024. Therefore, what was the difference between the plan to get the 257 back by 1 September and the plan to redesign the station? Were they independent plans?


I believe you are referring to the Commissioners report which states the following: “We continue to cooperate with the Health and Safety Executive. We are monitoring the effectiveness of the new signal arrangement for safe pedestrian and vehicle movements. This learning is being used in developing options for the future permanent signal scheme at the bus station, which we are committed to delivering this year, as well as introducing further safety improvements for pedestrians at other crossing locations within the bus station.” 


They are related, but also independent of each other to an extent. The number of stand spaces was reduced at the time of the temporary installation and this will remain consistent with the permanent design solution. It is operational changes rather than physical changes which are required to re-introduce the 257 back into Walthamstow Bus Station.


  1. There are three unused stands at Walthamstow Central. Two are parallel to Selborne Road and one is at the exit. Why are they not being used and why were they not made usable to enable the 257 to stay at WC considering the loss of a stand? As of today, there are cones surrounding two stands and that has been the case for what seems like years.


The parking bay adjacent to Selborne Road is not intended to be used as a stand; it is dedicated for contractor and emergency service parking for both the Bus station and the Underground station. The additional stand at the exit is the curtailment point for routes that need to curtail at Walthamstow due to issues along the route. It is also a contingency stand for any broken-down buses.


  1. 257 uses the station in the evening due to fewer buses. Therefore why does it not use the station all day on Sundays when there are fewer buses.


The decision to not return the 257 to Walthamstow on a Sunday was that it would be less confusing to passengers to keep to evenings only. There is a direct link between Walthamstow and the Bakers Arm’s stop served by the 257. Sundays are still very busy within the station as routes have longer standing times.


  1. Why was 1 November selected as the new return date? What are the steps to get it back by this date? Please share the plans.


It is still our intention to return the 257 to Walthamstow and we are working with our colleagues to ensure we can do so safely.


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed. 


Yours sincerely


Eva Hextall 

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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