Information re: staff travel section
Request ID: FOI-1764-1819
Date published: 31 October 2018
You asked
I would like to know the following:
1. For each of the last 3 financial years, the average length of time to issue (a) staff travel passes and (b) nominee travel passes. I would like to know whether there is any difference in the time taken to issue passes to rail, tube and bus employees
2. What is the current resource devoted to staff travel?
3. What performance metrics are used to quantify the success of the staff travel team/command eg is there a service level agreement or targets to which the team are working?
4. What customer service training do the team receive given their interaction with tfl employees and others?
5. What measures are in place to review and/or improve the service provided eg. satisfaction surveys.
We answered
TfL Ref: FOI-1764-1819
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 3 October 2018 asking for information about staff travel.
Your request has been processed in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you requested. You asked:
1. For each of the last 3 financial years, the average length of time to issue (a) staff travel passes and (b) nominee travel passes. I would like to know whether there is any difference in the time taken to issue passes to rail, tube and bus employees?
We do not hold the average length time of a pass being issued as we do not record this information. Once we receive an application we aim to produce a staff Oyster within 2 working days of receiving the application and a nominee Oyster card within 5 working days of receiving the application if this comes with the correct valid proof of address. For third party companies (such as London Overground, Crossrail, DLR, TfL Rail and Bus Companies) the we aim to produce staff passes between 5 to 10 working days of receiving the applications via the third party companies. A drop off and pick up delivery for each third party is usually once a week per company. We do aim to turn the passes around within the week if the applications received by the third party company have been completed correctly.
2. What is the current resource devoted to staff travel?
There are currently 9 Full Time Staff Travel Advisors in the team.
3. What performance metrics are used to quantify the success of the staff travel team/command eg is there a service level agreement or targets to which the team are working?
We have agreed Service Level Agreements (SLA) including the time it takes to produce a pass and also Customer Satisfaction scores.
4. What customer service training do the team receive given their interaction with TfL employees and others?
For new employees to the team, on the spot training is provided by the Staff Travel Team Leader and an experienced member of the team.
5. What measures are in place to review and/or improve the service provided eg. satisfaction surveys?
A Customer Satisfaction survey is emailed out to a number of TfL employees who have interacted with Staff Travel in the previous month. The survey is reviewed every single month and the customer satisfaction target is 85%. All comments are read each month to make improvements and provide positive feedback to the team.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.
Yours sincerely
Melissa Nichols
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London
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