FOI request detail

Rotherhithe Tunnel closure

Request ID: FOI-1691-1819
Date published: 19 November 2018

You asked

The Rotherhithe Tunnel was recently closed over the weekend of the 14th-16th September, and restrictions on the type of vehicles able to use the tunnel were imposed going forwards. You have released information suggesting that a defect in the ventilation system is to blame for these events. Please provide a copy of any engineering reports about the condition of the ventilation system from the past 6 months, and also any risk assessments that gave the basis for the closure and imposition of these restrictions.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-1691-1819

Thank you for your email received by us on 24 September 2018 asking for information about the Rotherhithe Tunnel.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) and our information access policy. We do hold the information you require.

You asked: The Rotherhithe Tunnel was recently closed over the weekend of the 14th-16th September, and restrictions on the type of vehicles able to use the tunnel were imposed going forwards. You have released information suggesting that a defect in the ventilation system is to blame for these events. Please provide a copy of any engineering reports about the condition of the ventilation system from the past 6 months, and also any risk assessments that gave the basis for the closure and imposition of these restrictions.

Please see attached a summarised version of the engineering reports on this matter.

However, in accordance with the EIR, we are not obliged to supply the specific information you have requested as it is subject to a statutory exception to the right of access to information under Regulation 12(5)(a). In this instance the exception has been applied as disclosure of the information you have requested would adversely affect the safety of the general public and members of staff using the Rotherhithe Tunnel, due to the safety and security content of the information you are requesting and the significant risk that exists if information disclosed is subsequently accessed by those intent on causing harm and disruption to the general public in London and the surrounding areas by targeting the transport network infrastructure.

The Rotherhithe Tunnel is used by thousands of drivers every day and the safety of all users is our highest priority. Disclosures made under the EIR and FOI are deemed to be a ‘disclosure to the world at large’ and whilst we make no suggestion that you would use this information for anything other than your own personal interests, it could be used by individuals who wish to cause harm or disruption to our customers, staff and network. Whilst we recognise that there are individual and personal interests in understanding the workings of the transport and road network, there is not a wider public interest in the disclosure of this information that outweighs the inherent danger of information being accessed by those intent on causing harm to members of the public. We therefore consider that the balance of public interest favours use of this exception.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Sara Thomas

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

[email protected]


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