Request ID: FOI-1653-2122 Date published: 16 November 2021
You asked
In June 2021 you released under Request ID: FOI-0441-2122, SCOOT data for Hackney.
Can i please have the updated spreadsheet. Can you please let me have any report prepared interpreting these figures.
We answered
TfL Ref: FOI-1653-2122
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 27th October 2021 asking for SCOOT data for Hackney. Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.
Specifically you asked:
“In June 2021 you released under Request ID: FOI-0441-2122, SCOOT data for Hackney.
Can i please have the updated spreadsheet. Can you please let me have any report prepared interpreting these figures.
I can confirm that we hold the information you require, which is provided in the attached spreadsheet (you may need to expand the width of some columns to read the data in full). Please see the following explanation of what each column refers to within the spreadsheet:
SCOOTLinkID – Refers to the SCOOT Link ID
LinkDescription – A brief description of the location of the Link typically by road name
NodeDescription – A brief description of the Location of the Junction typically by road name
Date – The date of the data
TwentyFourHourVehicleFlowTotal – The total flow observed within a 24 hour period across all links approaching the junction
FlowDataCompletenessPercentage – Refers to the availability of data; 100% is a complete dataset.
AverageCongestionPercentage – The average congestion within a 24 hour period across all links approaching the junction
CongestionDataCompletenessPercentage – Refers to the availability of data; 100% is a complete dataset
Please note that SCOOT Flow data may differ from other validated counts as the SCOOT system utilises ‘loop occupancy’ as it primary source of data, which is then modelled into a flow count via an average occupancy per vehicle. This is often sensitive to over or under saturation - for example, when vehicles are sat over the detector for a long period of time such as in congestion or queuing at lights. The detectors are often sited at a distance from the junction where this is minimised, but sometimes - especially when junctions are close together - this issue is exaggerated. Therefore SCOOT Flow should be used more to generalise trend of demands and not actual counts.
SCOOT congestion is defined as the number of consecutive congested intervals in a cycle, expressed as a proportion of the cycle time. A congested interval is fully defined as: An interval where any detector on the link has a full interval (detector operated continuously over the four-second interval) and the back of queue is greater than half the maximum or, alternatively, where more than one detector has a full interval.
The data provided here is given as recorded and as such we are not able to validate its accuracy.
TfL has not produced any reports interpreting these figures.
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.
Yours sincerely,
David Wells FOI Case Officer FOI Case Management Team General Counsel Transport for London