FOI request detail

Feel Me Breathe Artwork

Request ID: FOI-1577-2122
Date published: 16 November 2021

You asked

Please can you tell me how much TfL/London Underground paid for the commission of the artwork “sit alongside me and feel me breathe” to the artist Helen Cammock for the cover of the 34th edition of the London Underground tube maps. Further details:

We answered

Our Ref:         FOI-1577-2122

Thank you for your request received on 22 October 2021 asking for information about the ‘Sit Alongside Me and Feel Me Breathe’ artwork.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you require. You asked:

Please can you tell me how much TfL/London Underground paid for the commission of the artwork “sit alongside me and feel me breathe” to the artist Helen Cammock for the cover of the 34th edition of the London Underground tube maps.

Artists who undertake commissions by TfL’s art programme, Art on the Underground are paid a standard fee for their work. Helen Cammock was paid £4,000 as a fee for the commission of ‘Sit Alongside Me and Feel Me Breathe” on the 34th edition of the pocket Tube map. The cost of this was taken from specific project budgets, which was allocated prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and TfL’s subsequent funding agreements with the Government. The fee covers the cost of creating the work, tasks involved in the printing process including reviewing and approving proofs, contributing to promotional materials like written texts, press releases and/or videos, and the granting of rights to TfL to license to use the work on the map and other connected purposes.

If this is not the information you are looking for please feel free to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]

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