FOI request detail

Freedom of Information request - Congestion zone entry

Request ID: FOI-1537-2122
Date published: 11 November 2021

You asked

Please can you provide the following , The numbers of Taxi's entering congestion charge zone (during hours of charging) between 01/08/21 and 30/09/21 by daily weekday & weekend average for each month, & monthly total of taxis that entered Cz at least once (unique) Also if costs permit please inform me the number of year 18 registration plate taxis onwards (ie ZEC taxis) entering the zone in the above format

We answered

Our ref: FOI-1537-2122/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 19 October 2021 asking for information about the numbers of Taxi's entering congestion charge zone.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require. Please see the table below:
Taxis   ZEC Taxis
Month Daily Weekday Average Taxis Detected in CC Zone During Charging Hours Daily Weekend Day Average Taxis Detected in CC Zone During Charging Hours Monthly Total Taxis Detected in CC Zone During Charging Hours at Least Once (Unique)   Month Daily Weekday Average ZEC Taxis Detected in CC Zone During Charging Hours Daily Weekend Day Average ZEC Taxis Detected in CC Zone During Charging Hours Monthly Total ZEC Taxis Detected in CC Zone During Charging Hours at Least Once (Unique)
Aug 2021 5,982 4,458 12,307   Aug 2021 1,954 1,391 3,901
Sep 2021 6,894 4,951 12,600   Sep 2021 2,148 1,512 4,007

Please note - September 2021 data is up to the 26th September, the most recent data held at the time of your request.

If this is not the information you are looking for, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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