FOI request detail

Removal of any traffic islands on Camden to Tottenham Hale cycle cycle

Request ID: FOI-1411-1920
Date published: 28 August 2019

You asked

I refer to the projected cycle route from Camden to Tottenham Hale. Please inform me as to whether any traffic islands will be removed as part of this scheme and if so, which islands. I made a similar request, FOI-008-1920 on 30.3.19 and the response received included that the information was likely to become available in June 2019

We answered

Our ref: FOI-1411-1920/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 12 August 2019 asking for information as to whether any traffic islands are proposed to be removed as part of the cycle route from Camden to Tottenham Hale.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do not currently hold the information you require.

We originally intended to have this information available at public consultation on the route in June 2019. Following feedback from stakeholder engagement earlier this year, we are continuing design development in partnership with the boroughs to find the most suitable proposals that best balance the needs of road users at different locations.

We now plan for public consultation on the new Cycleway in summer 2020, subject to testing for feasibility. At this point, we will be able to confirm whether we plan to make any changes to the traffic islands along the route alignment.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt

FOI Case Officer

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London

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