Woodlane to Nottinghill Cycle Route.
Request ID: FOI-1131-2021
Date published: 15 October 2020
You asked
A)I would like to recieve the latest email communications for last three months, minutes, between hammersmith Council and Transport for London regarding the Woodlane to Nottinghill Cycle Route.
B) In particular, on the consultation website it is mentions you are finalising plans. I would like to see the ammended plans.
C) Proposed/planned date and timeline of consturction of the route.
We answered
TfL Ref: 1131-2021
Thank you for your request received by us on 22 September 2020 asking for the latest email communications and minutes (last three months) between Hammersmith Council and Transport for London regarding the Wood Lane to Notting Hill Cycle Route, including the amended plans and the proposed / planned data and the construction timeline.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require.
There has been no correspondence between London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham (LBH&F) and TfL on the Wood Lane to Notting Hill improvements in the three-month time period you’ve asked about. The improvements are currently on hold whilst we explore funding opportunities to progress the project.
With regard to the finalising of the plans that you asked about and that were referred to on the consultation website (https://consultations.tfl.gov.uk/roads/wood-lane-notting-hill/), those plans were only in draft form with the traffic modelling still to be completed when the project work was halted in April due to the Covid-19 pandemic. As such this information is subject to an exception from disclosure in accordance with Regulation 12(4)(d) which applies to information which is still in the course of completion, unfinished documents or incomplete data.
To explain further, we were in the middle of finalising the plans and designs when the Covid-19 pandemic started and the modelling, which would have informed the final designs, was halted half way through and has never been completed. The latest approved designs we hold are the ones on the consultation pages which are subject to change as the project continues in the future. As the position of the Wood Lane to Notting Hill Gate project becomes more certain we will update the local community and our website with details about how we will proceed.
The use of this exception is subject to a public interest test, which requires us to consider whether the public interest in applying the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosure. We recognise that the release of information would promote transparency and also help address your particular concerns about this issue. However, we consider that the release of the draft information would prejudice our ability to develop, challenge and refine proposals in a safe space before submitting them to public scrutiny and we consider that the public interest currently favours the use of the exception.
If you are considering submitting a further FOI request please think carefully about whether the request is essential at this current time, as answering FOI requests will require the use of limited resources and the attention of staff who could be supporting other essential activity. Where requests are made, please note that our response time may be impacted by the current situation.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.
Yours sincerely
Sara Thomas
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London
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