FOI request detail

Bakerloo Line Extension phase 2 & PTAL

Request ID: FOI-1108-2425
Date published: 18 July 2024

You asked

Please provide calculations / rationale to demonstrate how the Bakerloo Line Extension Phase 2 would alter the PTAL rating in the vicinity of Lower Sydenham Station? With what certainty has the Bakerloo Line Extension Phase 2 been factored into the Lewisham Local Plan, and into live and emerging planning applications within the Bell Green Area and requirements for transport interventions including car free development?

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-1108-2425


Thank you for your request which we received on 4 July 2024.


Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. You asked: 


Please provide calculations / rationale to demonstrate how the Bakerloo Line Extension Phase 2 would alter the PTAL rating in the vicinity of Lower Sydenham Station?


The option of extending the Bakerloo line to Hayes and Beckenham Junction is still being investigated by TfL with feasibility studies currently underway. Any decision on such an extension remains subject to public consultation and funding. 


The extension would be expected to improve accessibility at stations including Lower Sydenham on this branch due to the large increase in train frequency, however as these stations already have a train service, we don’t expect that an increase in train frequency would result in a major uplift in the PTAL (Public Transport Accessibility Levels) at these stations. 


We have not yet calculated the impact of the scheme on PTAL between Lewisham-Haye/Beckenham Junction. The PTAL levels that are currently in the Lower Sydenham area are mapped and can be found using TfL’s online tool here: 


With what certainty has the Bakerloo Line Extension Phase 2 been factored into the Lewisham Local Plan, and into live and emerging planning applications within the Bell Green Area and requirements for transport interventions including car free development?


Hatch Regeneris produced a report which examined accessibility impacts of the Bakerloo Line extension for the London boroughs of Southwark and Lewisham in 2020. Hatch’s assessment of accessibility changes and PTAL calculations is available in this report, but it should be noted that this study is from 2020 and has assumed that the Lower Sydenham station will be moved northwards closer to Southend Lane and Bell Green. 


We do not propose to move the Lower Sydenham station on the existing Hayes line at this time. Therefore, we don’t expect a major increase in the PTAL metric at the Bell Green area based on the Bakerloo Line extension on its own, as that area is located between two stations. Wider transport improvements in the area, e.g., changes to bus services, may increase access in the Bell Green Area, but these improvements have not been defined or assessed yet.  


If the option of extending the line further to Hayes went ahead, we would take ownership of the Hayes branch. We would also be taking ownership and be investing the stations on that line to bring them up to our standards and include step free access. This presents opportunities to review where stations are located, but any changes would need to be balanced between cost, benefits, engineering feasibility, environmental and equality impacts and subject to public consultation and consents processes. 


We continue to engage with the London Borough of Lewisham as they develop their draft Local Plan, and to provide them with information on our emerging plans as they develop. 


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright. 


Yours sincerely


Eva Hextall 

FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London


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