FOI request detail

Project Detroit Teams

Request ID: FOI-1100-2425
Date published: 01 August 2024

You asked

Under the Freedom of Information Act please provide the following details of teams working on Project Detroit as at 1 June 2024. For each team please provide: 1. Name of the Team (e.g. "Hercules" or "Yoda") 2. FTEs assigned (to team as at 1 June 2024). 3. Task(s) assigned (as at 1 June 2024). 4. Description of task(s) assigned (e.g. If Task Assigned is "Identification and Rating", explain in a few sentences what is being identified and/or rated under the terms of the task) 5. Main deliverables being worked towards by the team 6. Team Leader/Manager

We answered

Our Ref:         FOI-1100-2425

Thank you for your request received on 4 July 2024 asking for information about the various teams that have worked on Project Detroit.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require. You asked:

Please provide the following details of teams working on Project Detroit as at 1 June 2024.

For each team please provide:

1.         Name of the Team (e.g. "Hercules" or "Yoda")
2.         FTEs assigned (to team as at 1 June 2024)
3.         Task(s) assigned (as at 1 June 2024)
4.         Description of task(s) assigned (e.g. If Task Assigned is "Identification and Rating", explain in a few sentences what is being identified and/or rated under the terms of the task)
5.         Main deliverables being worked towards by the team
6.         Team Leader/Manager

Please find the requested information in the table below:
TeamTaskTask DescriptionKey Deliverables FTE
YetiIdentification and RatingIntegration with Enforcement Cameras for Detection and identification of vehicles. RUC scheme allocation, charge calculation, and scheme contravention management.

Develop systems to receive, securely store, and process data from ANPR cameras. The system will fulfil the following key processes: detect and identify vehicles, allocate road user charges according to the RUC schemes (CC, ULEZ, LEZ), and manage scheme contraventions.
Support the delivery of enhancements to the backend services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to integration environments through to production and early life support.
GodzillaIdentification and Rating Integration with Enforcement Cameras for Detection and identification of vehicles. RUC scheme allocation, charge calculation, and scheme contravention management.

Develop systems to receive, securely store, and process data from ANPR cameras. The system will fulfil the following key processes: detect and identify vehicles, allocate road user charges according to the RUC schemes (CC, ULEZ, LEZ), and manage scheme contraventions.
Support the delivery of enhancements to the backend services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to integration environments through to production and early life support.6.5
YowieIdentification and Rating Integration with Enforcement Cameras for Detection and identification of vehicles. RUC scheme allocation, charge calculation, and scheme contravention management.

Develop systems to receive, securely store, and process data from ANPR cameras. The system will fulfil the following key processes: detect and identify vehicles, allocate road user charges according to the RUC schemes (CC, ULEZ, LEZ), and manage scheme contraventions.
Support the delivery of enhancements to the backend services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to integration environments through to production and early life support.7
GriffinIdentification and Rating Integration with Enforcement Cameras for Detection and identification of vehicles. RUC scheme allocation, charge calculation, and scheme contravention management.

Develop systems to receive, securely store, and process data from ANPR cameras. The system will fulfil the following key processes: detect and identify vehicles, allocate road user charges according to the RUC schemes (CC, ULEZ, LEZ), and manage scheme contraventions.
Support the delivery of enhancements to the backend services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to integration environments through to production and early life support.7
HydraIdentification and Rating Integration with Enforcement Cameras for Detection and identification of vehicles. RUC scheme allocation, charge calculation, and scheme contravention management.

Develop systems to receive, securely store, and process data from ANPR cameras. The system will fulfil the following key processes: detect and identify vehicles, allocate road user charges according to the RUC schemes (CC, ULEZ, LEZ), and manage scheme contraventions.
Support the delivery of enhancements to the backend services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to integration environments through to production and early life support.7
OrwellDigital ChannelsDigital customer services (website), including identity, account management, payments, Auto Pay management, and discountsSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  website through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support.8.5
HerculesDigital ChannelsDigital customer services (website), including identity, account management, payments, Auto Pay management, and discountsSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  website through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support.4.5
InnovaDigital ChannelsDigital customer services (website), including identity, account management, payments, Auto Pay management, and discountsSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  website through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support.6.5
Sonic Payments and AutoPayBilling and Payment back end services, including AutoPay, one-off payments, refundsSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  payment services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support. 7.5
TridentPayments and AutoPayBilling and Payment back end services, including AutoPay, one-off payments, refundsSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  payment services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support. 8.5
NeptunePayments and AutoPayBilling and Payment back end services, including AutoPay, one-off payments, refundsSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  payment services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support. 7
BlazePayments and AutoPayBilling and Payment back end services, including AutoPay, one-off payments, refundsSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  payment services through development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support. 7
TroyCustomer Contact (CRM)Agent and operational systems covering any process needing additional business interaction – including discounts, refunds, and enquiriesSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  agent and operational CRM systems through configuration, development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support.9.5
ZeusCustomer Contact (CRM)Agent and operational systems covering any process needing additional business interaction – including discounts, refunds, and enquiriesSupport the delivery and enhancements of the  agent and operational CRM systems through configuration, development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support.10.5
Yoda Customer Contact (Azure)Integration with Agent and Operational systemsBuild back-end systems focused on providing data and integration services to Contact Centre systems and customer facing systems such as web or mobile.8
TheosCustomer Contact (Azure)Integration with Agent and Operational systemsBuild back-end systems focused on providing data and integration services to Contact Centre systems and customer facing systems such as web or mobile.7
JediCustomer Contact (Azure)Integration with Agent and Operational systemsBuild back-end systems focused on providing data and integration services to Contact Centre systems and customer facing systems such as web or mobile.7
ZombieIntegrationSystem integration and testingProvide test automation and integration expertise to support the testing and delivery across backend and user facing systems6
ReportingReportingManagement ReportingSupport the delivery and enhancements of management reporting systems through configuration, development, testing, user acceptance, deployment to production and early life support.5

In accordance with our obligations under Data Protection legislation we have not provided the names of the team leaders/managers, as required by section 40(2) of the FOI Act. This is because disclosure of this personal data would be a breach of the legislation, specifically the first principle of Article 5 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation which requires all processing of personal data to be fair and lawful. It would not be fair to disclose this personal information when the individuals have no expectation it would be disclosed and TfL has not satisfied one of the conditions which would make the processing ‘fair’.

This exemption to the right of access to information is an absolute exemption and not subject to an assessment of whether the public interest favours use of the exemption.

If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]

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