FOI request detail

the bus lane on Woodford Avenue

Request ID: FOI-1090-2425
Date published: 24 July 2024

You asked

I would like to make a Freedom of Information request for specific information as follows: What consultation procedure was carried out prior to the work What the results of that procedure were What precise delays to buses were identified prior to the installation of the bus lanes What was the result of the assessment to determine the width of the Woodford Avenue What was the cost involved in installing the bus lanes northbound and southbound What are the reasons for the suspension of the bus lanes On what grounds might they be put back into use When will your current investigations be concluded What is the total cost of the alleged consultation procedure, the pre-works advertising campaign, your further investigations and the current suspension of the bus lanes What are the anticipated costs of reinstating the dual carriageway for general traffic once the current suspension period is concluded To what extent did the implementation of this 1.6 km of bus lane contribute to bus lane targets being met and thus managers receiving bonuses for the financial year in question.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-1090-2425

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 1 July 2024 asking for information about the bus lane on Woodford Avenue.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold the information you require.
Specifically you asked:
  1. What consultation procedure was carried out prior to the work

TfL carried out local engagement with affected residents, businesses and local stakeholders throughout June and July in 2023. We undertook local engagement with those close to the scheme (within a 500m radius) via a letter drop. The letter explained the scheme and included an email address to get in contact with TfL about any issues. The same approach has been adopted for similar bus lane projects which were delivered across London within the last year.

We also created a dedicated bus priority webpage with more information including drawings for each scheme and a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document. This is available on our website here:  We received one piece of correspondence from local residents during this time. 

In addition, plans and ambitions for the project were discussed with Redbridge Council Transport Officers, Cabinet Leads, Ward Councillors and Wes Streeting MP. We extended the area of the local letter drop to residents based on recommendations from Ward Councillors.

In late 2023, we launched our statutory consultation on the traffic order changes to implement the new bus lane. This ran for 6 weeks and was sent to our emergency services colleagues as well as other transport stakeholders. The changes also appeared in the local press Ilford Recorder and London Gazette, as well as on lamppost columns.

Our second letter drop was on 1 February 2024 (to a 100m radius). This letter had more information about our plans for construction, including dates, times, and extents.  
  1. What the results of that procedure were

Overall the majority of the feedback we received from our engagement was positive, with customers and stakeholders understanding the benefits it could bring to the local transport network, especially with key hubs in the area such as Beal High School, Gants Hill Station and Roding Hospital (Spire London East) as well as the introduction of the new Superloop service SL2.

Traffic and congestion were the main concerns that were raised to us and is a topic we have considered greatly during the design process. In response, we advised customers that we have aimed to develop proposals that benefit buses whilst balancing the needs of other transport modes. In order to do this, we have worked closely with our Network Management team to create a design that allows for safe merging of traffic when going from two lanes to one lane and reduced the length of the bus lane to manage congestion at key junctions.

After the six-week statutory consultation process, we received no objections to our changes.
  1. What precise delays to buses were identified prior to the installation of the bus lanes

Woodford Avenue between North Circular and Gants Hill is identified in TfL’s strategic bus analysis as having both poor reliability and low bus speeds, especially in the southbound direction, when compared to other outer London roads. This analysis illustrates where buses are performing poorly in terms of speeds and reliability and where bus speeds are expected to decline further looking forward to 2031.
The performance categories are defined in the following way:

• Poor – sections of road either in the slowest 25% of speeds across inner / outer London or the 25% most variable bus speeds across inner / outer London.
• Very poor – sections of road where slow and variable bus speeds coincide, using the same 25% thresholds.
• Forecast to deteriorate – these are sections of road that are either slow or variable, using the same thresholds again, and forecast to reduce in speed by 15% or more.

Route 123 which runs along Woodford Ave is also one of our busiest bus routes.
  1. What was the result of the assessment to determine the width of the Woodford Avenue

Figure 4.11 in Chapter 4 of the London Cycle Design Standards recommends bus lane widths of 4 to 4.5m where space allows, to reduce the risks associated with buses or riders of two-wheeled vehicles overtaking.  In this instance, providing a 4.5m bus lane enables cyclists and motorcyclists to overtake buses without having to enter the adjacent traffic lane where vehicles can travel at up to 40mph.  The Design Standards document is available via the following link:
  1. What was the cost involved in installing the bus lanes northbound and southbound

The cost of the Woodford Avenue Bus Lane project to date is £551,587. This includes design, construction and post-implementation monitoring.  
  1. What are the reasons for the suspension of the bus lanes

The bus lane is currently suspended while we collect further information on the impact of the bus lanes on bus journey times, general traffic, queue length data and traffic speeds.  This will assist in our decision on next steps. 
  1. On what grounds might they be put back into use

We are currently analysing the data and should the results be in line with the anticipated changes in bus journey times, queue lengths and general traffic impacts, the bus lanes will come into operation. 

Should any changes to the bus lanes be required, we will undertake these as a matter of priority. 
  1. When will your current investigations be concluded

We anticipate that we will be able to share our data analysis by Autumn 2024.  
  1. What is the total cost of the alleged consultation procedure, the pre-works advertising campaign, your further investigations and the current suspension of the bus lanes

The total cost of local engagement, subsequent investigations and the current suspension of the bus lanes is £13,999.48. 
  1. What are the anticipated costs of reinstating the dual carriageway for general traffic once the current suspension period is concluded

The anticipated costs of reinstating the dual carriageway for general traffic once the current suspension period over is £1,876.
  1. To what extent did the implementation of this 1.6 km of bus lane contribute to bus lane targets being met and thus managers receiving bonuses for the financial year in question.

Performance Award schemes are an important element of the TfL reward package and enables TfL to recognise its employees for the contribution they make toward the success of the organisation. Schemes are in place covering Payband 1-3 employees in TfL, Senior Managers, Directors, Chief Officers and The Commissioner.  Annual base pay increases are discretionary and are not performance linked.  Pay frameworks also reward individual contributions on an annual basis using a non-consolidated performance award element based on business, operational and individual performance. 

Further details on TfL’s 2024 Renumeration is available via the links below:

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Abidakun
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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