FOI request detail

Southwark about the Dulwich LTNs

Request ID: FOI-0993-2425
Date published: 17 July 2024

You asked

Follow-up to EIR-0782-2425: Please provide all correspondence between TfL and Southwark about the Dulwich LTNs during only these months: June 2021, July 2021, November 2021, May 2022, July 2022. Hopefully this will narrow down the search.

We answered

TfL Ref: EIR-0993-2425

Thank you for your further request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 26th June 2024.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) and our information access policy. 

Specifically you asked the following, further to case reference EIR-0782-2425:

Please provide all correspondence between TfL and Southwark about the Dulwich LTNs during only these months: June 2021, July 2021, November 2021, May 2022, July 2022.

I can confirm that we hold the information you require. However, I am afraid that it remains the case that to provide all of this correspondence would be ‘manifestly unreasonable’, in accordance with Regulation 12(4)(b) of the EIR. We have run automated searches of all Tfl email correspondence with Southwark for the months in question, containing any of the words “Dulwich” and “LTN”. This returned a total of over 800 “hits” as follows:

June 2021, July 2021 – 301 hits
November 2021 – 349 hits
May 2022 – 16 hits
July 2022 – 137 hits

In order to provide this correspondence we would have to manually review it all, to ensure that each item is within the scope of the request, and to see whether any of the content should be excepted from release. Where content does fall under an exception (and we know that some of it will, as we do not release the direct contact details of TfL staff nor the names and direct contact details of external staff, as this is deemed personal data which it is unfair to release) then we have to go through the process of redacting that information, which is a burdensome task. We do not believe that there is a particular greater public interest which justifies the expenditure of this resource.

Once again, If you wish to refine your request we will process it accordingly. Or, alternatively, you may find it more useful to ask direct questions covering your precise interest and these can be passed to the most appropriate team to address. Given the LTN is implemented and managed by Southwark Council you may also find it more beneficial to direct your requests to them.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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