FOI request detail

Remote Access Outside the UK

Request ID: FOI-0894-2122
Date published: 19 August 2021

You asked

Under the Freedom of Information ACT, can you please provide me with the number of remote working access to TfL servers and infrastructure outside of the UK by financial period since the 1st August 2020. My understanding is that individuals need special dispensation to access TfL servers and infrastructure outside of the UK. Can you please supply me with the number that have special dispensation approval.

We answered

Our Ref:         FOI-0894-2122

Thank you for your request received on 3 August 2021 asking for information about TfL remote access.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you require.

TfL does not support overseas working for a variety of reasons - mainly in relation to tax, social security contributions, employment law obligations, data protection and health and safety liabilities. This has been communicated clearly though line management communication and by our HR team when individual queries are raised.

There are a very small number of individuals that have exceptions to work overseas for a specific period of time. There are currently three cases within Professional Services where this is the case.

If this is not the information you are looking for please feel free to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]

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