FOI request detail

NDORS Driver Awareness Training Contract

Request ID: FOI-0815-1718
Date published: 21 September 2017

You asked

Dear Sirs Could you send me a copy of the recent successful tender submission for the NDORS Driver Awareness Training Contract? I understand if some of the information in the document is redacted but believe that the publication quality part of this tender submission is in the public interest. Many thanks

We answered

Thank you for your emails received by Transport for London (TfL) on 5 and 18 July 2017 asking for a copy of the successful tender submission for the Speed Awareness Training Contract.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we do hold the information you require.

However, in accordance with the FOI Act, we are not obliged to supply any of the information as it is subject to a statutory exemption to the right of access to information under section 43(2).

In this instance the exemption has been applied as disclosure of the information you have requested is likely to negatively affect the re-tendering process due to start on this contract. Disclosure of this information at this stage would be likely to have the effect of placing successful tenderer AA Drivetech, at a competitive disadvantage while also decreasing the likelihood of TfL being able to obtain best value for money in this contract due to prior knowledge resulting in less competitive bids being submitted than otherwise might have been.

The use of this exemption is subject to an assessment of the public interest in relation to the disclosure of the information concerned. We recognise the need for openness and transparency by public authorities, but in this instance feel that balance lies in favour of withholding the requested information to ensure that the tender process remains as competitive as possible to ensure that we are able to obtain best value for public money when awarding contracts.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Jasmine Howard
FOI Case Officer
Information Governance
Transport For London



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