100 Avenue Road NW3 3HF V TfL CS11
Request ID: FOI-0795-1819
Date published: 19 July 2018
You asked
1) Please can you disclose what is the Highway Improvement Contribution required by TfL from 100 Avenue Road, NW3 3HF Developers Essential Living (Swiss Cottage) Ltd - as described in the GLA report as shown below:
GLA stage 1 planning report extract
D&P/1662a/01 24 April 2014
100 Avenue Road, Swiss Cottage, London, NW3 3HF In the London Borough of Camden planning application no. 2014/1617/P
75. The Swiss Cottage gyratory is one of 30 junctions in London that TfL has included on the ’Better Junctions’ programme where significant highway changes will be made for cyclists and pedestrians. As this (100AR) is car free scheme, a higher proportion of trips will be made by public transport, cycling and walking, and TfL therefore requests that the applicant makes a financial contribution towards any highway improvements in accordance with London Plan policy 6.7.
2) Please can you disclose the Section 278 agreement between Developers Essential Living (Swiss Cottage) Ltd and TfL for the 100 Avenue Road CMP. And if it is to be in two parts - please disclose both parts.
3) Please give reassignment traffic figures for Winchester Road NW3. It is clear from TfLs figures that there will be an increase in traffic in Belsize Avenue NW3 and at the Englands Lane junction. Since the only viable escape route in an out of the Belsize area is via Winchester Road, it follows that their will be increased traffic flow here. If Winchester Road has not yet been assessed please request that it is assessed ASAP.
We answered
Our ref: FOI-0795-1819/GH
Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 25 June 2018 asking for information about planning application no. 2014/1617/P.
Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require.
1) Please can you disclose what is the Highway Improvement Contribution required by TfL from 100 Avenue Road, NW3 3HF Developers Essential Living (Swiss Cottage) Ltd - as described in the GLA report as shown below:
GLA stage 1 planning report extract
D&P/1662a/01 24 April 2014
100 Avenue Road, Swiss Cottage, London, NW3 3HF In the London Borough of Camden planning application no. 2014/1617/P
75. The Swiss Cottage gyratory is one of 30 junctions in London that TfL has included on the ’Better Junctions’ programme where significant highway changes will be made for cyclists and pedestrians. As this (100AR) is car free scheme, a higher proportion of trips will be made by public transport, cycling and walking, and TfL therefore requests that the applicant makes a financial contribution towards any highway improvements in accordance with London Plan policy 6.7.
Where applications are referred to the Mayor at Stage 1 of the GLA planning process, the Mayor must consider all relevant strategic planning issues and advise the Local Planning Authority, in this case the London Borough of Camden, whether the proposed development is compliant with the London plan and, if not, how compliance could be achieved.
Once the Local Planning Authority has determined a case, and wishes to issue a decision, they must first refer the case back to the Mayor at Stage 2. This is the point at which the outcome of any obligations, conditions or limitations will be known. The mayor can then decide whether to let the decision stand, direct refusal or recover the application and determine it himself.
In the case of the 100 Avenue Road development, we requested an unspecified contribution at Stage 1. The London Borough of Camden, having regard to all relevant material planning considerations, decided not to secure a contribution towards CS11 from the developer. When the case was referred back to the Mayor at Stage 2, TfL was required to advise the Mayor whether the outcome was acceptable from a transport perspective. As can be seen from the Stage 2 report, to which a link is provided below, we felt that the transport outcome, minus any contribution, was acceptable.
As such, TfL has received no contribution to highway improvements from the promoters of the 100 Avenue Road development.
2) Please can you disclose the Section 278 agreement between Developers Essential Living (Swiss Cottage) Ltd and TfL for the 100 Avenue Road CMP. And if it is to be in two parts - please disclose both parts.
As far as we are aware, the Construction Management Plan (CMP) for the 100 Avenue Road development remains subject to the approval of the relevant planning authority, which in this case is the London Borough of Camden. The approval of the CMP is a pre-requisite for any potential Section 278 Agreement and, as such, TfL has therefore not entered into such an agreement with the promoters of the development.
3) Please give reassignment traffic figures for Winchester Road NW3. It is clear from TfLs figures that there will be an increase in traffic in Belsize Avenue NW3 and at the Englands Lane junction. Since the only viable escape route in an out of the Belsize area is via Winchester Road, it follows that their will be increased traffic flow here. If Winchester Road has not yet been assessed please request that it is assessed ASAP.
Strategic models are a tactical tool used to assess the potential network impacts of highway interventions and for CS11 this was the North London Highway Assignment Model (NoLHAM). Such models are used to understand the influence schemes have on route choice and the wider area effects on traffic reassignment.
Strategic models use traffic data from a number of sources to build up a picture of movements through an area to predict and likely changes in traffic patterns following the introduction of significant changes to the road network. The zoning system and road network in the model aims to capture all main roads and potential rat runs routes. The model assumes that drivers have perfect knowledge of the network when deciding on a route and will always choose the quickest route available. This means that the inclusion of too many smaller roads is most likely to result in an unrealistic amount of reassignment. As such, Winchester Road is not included within the strategic model for CS11 and it would not be best practice to do so.
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.
Yours sincerely
Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London
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