FOI request detail

Funding terms for Kingston Mini-Holland cycleway scheme

Request ID: FOI-0739-2324
Date published: 22 June 2023

You asked

F/on from FOI-0409 I have been trying to trace the diagrams for the following junctions on the Ewell Road that are part of the cycleway. Ewell Road – South Terrace Ewell Road – South Bank Ewell Road – Oak Hill Crescent Ewell Road – Surbiton Health Centre Ewell Road – Langley Road. I cannot find these junctions, their layouts and dimensions in the documents you provided links to. Please can you provide these documents covered by my FOI request. Links as before are acceptable. I requested the dimensions of the junctions. The terms of the set out in the Funding Allocation Letter states “All schemes are expected to be consistent with the London Cycle Design Standards (LCDS) and any subsequent editions/updates.” The LCDS states that the gradients of ramps onto Side Road Entry Treatment raised table tops should not exceed 1:10. I was expecting to see the gradients of ramps in the junction dimensions in the diagram covering Ewell-Road to Browns Road. Please can you provide the gradient dimensions. Further to my FOI request and under the terms of the FOI request please provide: • Details of the controls in place to ensure that the scheme implemented, in particular junction configurations, adheres to the standards the LCDS and Terms of Funding both at design and post implementation stage and public money has been used in line with the allocation terms. • Details of the range of actions available and envisaged for schemes that are implemented in a way that do not adhere to the LCDS. • Details of the process, including Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and process map and the controls in place, eg sign-off levels, governing changes to the LCDS. Links as above are acceptable.

We answered

Our ref: FOI-0739-2324/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 7 June 2023 asking for additional information about Kingston Mini-Holland cycleway scheme.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy.

Unfortunately we do not hold the information you require. The Mini Holland programme was some time ago and we have shared all the relevant information we have managed to locate in our files.

You may therefore wish to consider raising your request with the borough as the information and detail you are seeking should be with their design/build contractors.

I am sorry I have been unable to assist you further on this occasion. If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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