Request ID: FOI-0728-2122 Date published: 04 August 2021
You asked
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Transport for London:
1. How many public charging points exclusive to taxis/hackney carriages are installed in your local authority? (Answer only if the information available at differs from your personal records)
1. Do taxi drivers have to pay in order to use them? If yes, what is the price range in average? If no, how many are free of use?
2. Are there any plans in the near future to install any (or more) exclusive public charging points for taxis/hackney carriages? If yes, how many?
2. How many taxi/hackney carriage vehicle licences are registered to Transport for London? Of those total licences, how many are for electric vehicles (EV): either fully (BEV) or hybrid (PHEV)? If possible, please separate BEV and PHEV in different categories.
3. Does the electricity provided to those charging points come from renewable energy at all times? If no, are there any plans to make sure that it will be in the future?
We answered
TfL Ref: FOI-0728-2122 Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 8 July 2021 asking for information about taxi charging points. Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold the information you require. You asked:
How many public charging points exclusive to taxis/hackney carriages are installed in your local authority? (Answer only if the information available at differs from your personal records)
There are 82 rapid charging points that are taxi dedicated across London.
Do taxi drivers have to pay in order to use them? If yes, what is the price range in average? If no, how many are free of use?
They are not free to use, the cost is 25 – 30p per KW on the rapid chargers.
Are there any plans in the near future to install any (or more) exclusive public charging points for taxis/hackney carriages? If yes, how many?
There is a continued need to support the rollout of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in London. In 2019 TfL published an EV Infrastructure Delivery Plan ( which set out the quantum of charging required in London. With recent developments including the phase out of petrol and diesel sales by 2030, TfL is now in the process of updating its forecasts. At the end of last year, TfL hit its target of delivering over 300 rapid charge points in London, and thousands of slower residential charge points have been delivered via the Go Ultra Low Cities scheme. Lessons learned from EV infrastructure delivery to date is also informing the future approach to delivery. An in-depth analysis of GLA Group land is currently being undertaken to assess the viability of individual sites to accommodate London’s EV charging infrastructure needs. We are working closely with key user groups (including taxis/ hackney carriages) to understand their EV requirements to ensure the infrastructure is in place across London to accelerate and support the switch to electric vehicles.
How many taxi/hackney carriage vehicle licences are registered to Transport for London? Of those total licences, how many are for electric vehicles (EV): either fully (BEV) or hybrid (PHEV)? If possible, please separate BEV and PHEV in different categories.
As of 18 July 2021, there were 13,986 taxi vehicle licences. As of 13 July 2021 there were 95 BEV (Nissan Dynamos) and 4,189 hybrid (LEVC).
Does the electricity provided to those charging points come from renewable energy at all times? If no, are there any plans to make sure that it will be in the future?
All charge point operators on our procurement frameworks are required to operate using renewable electricity. We have two active rapid charge point operators, Chargemaster and ESB. Both are operating over 200 rapid charging points in London, and have reported 100 per cent of their energy is from renewables via the REGO (Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin) scheme.
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed. Yours sincerely Eva Hextall FOI Case Management Team General Counsel Transport for London