FOI request detail

Request for information regarding PCNs issued re Dryburgh Road, Putney, SW15

Request ID: FOI-0707-2122
Date published: 30 July 2021

You asked

Please provide the following information: 1) the number of PCNs issued in connection with prohibited right turns from Upper Richmond Road West into Dryburgh Road, London, SW15, on each of the following days in 2021: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,16, 17,18 of June. 2) Please confirm how many representations were made in connection with the above PCNs. 3) Please confirm how many of those representations were accepted and therefore had the PCN cancelled 4) Please confirm on which of the dates specified in (1) above TFL was first aware that the left hand no entry sign (as driver enters Dryburgh Road) was faulty. 5) Please confirm on which date the faulty left hand no entry sign (as driver enters Dryburgh Road) was repaired. 6) If the left hand no entry sign (as driver enters Dryburgh Road) was faulty before the dates specified in (1) above, please confirm a) when TFL was first aware that it was faulty. Many thanks for your assistance.

We answered

Our ref:           FOI-0707-2122
Thank you for your request received on 9 July 2021 asking for information about penalty charge notices (PCNs) issued for vehicles turning from Upper Richmond Road West into Dryburgh Road, Putney, SW15.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we hold some of the information you require.

Vehicles are not permitted to turn into Dryburgh Road from Upper Richmond Road West between 7-10am Mon-Fri. Permanent statutory signage is in place which informs drivers travelling in both directions of the restriction. The statutory No Left Turn and No Right Turn signs are listed in the Highway Code and there is no requirement for any additional or supplementary signage. Any driver who does not comply with the restriction risks incurring a PCN.

You asked for:

1.         The number of PCNs issued in connection with prohibited right turns from Upper Richmond Road West into Dryburgh Road, London, SW15, on each of the following days in 2021: 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11,14,15,16, 17,18  of June.

Please see this information below:

Date    No of PCNs
1 Jun 21          17
2 Jun 21          8
3 Jun 21          17
4 Jun 21          23
7 Jun 21          7
8 Jun 21          25
9 Jun 21          18
10 Jun 21        20
11 Jun 21        16
14 Jun 21        15
15 Jun 21        48
16 Jun 21        28
17 Jun 21        30
18 Jun 21        47
Grand Total     319

2.         Please confirm how many representations were made in connection with the above PCNs.

In order to challenge a penalty the recipient must first submit a representation to us. If the representation is accepted the penalty is cancelled. If we reject the representation the motorist has a further right of appeal to an Independent Adjudicator at London Tribunals.

Of the 319 PCNs issued, we received 82 representations.

3.         Please confirm how many of those representations were accepted and therefore had the PCN cancelled

Of the 82 representations received, 27 were accepted, 27 were rejected and 28 remain open. Of the 27 rejected representations we received no appeals.

4.         Please confirm on which of the dates specified in (1) above TFL was first aware that the left hand no entry sign (as driver enters Dryburgh Road) was faulty
5.         Please confirm on which date the faulty left hand no entry sign (as driver enters Dryburgh Road) was repaired
6.         If the left hand no entry sign (as driver enters Dryburgh Road) was faulty before the dates specified in (1) above, please confirm a) when TFL was first aware that it was faulty

We have no record of any faults reported with the statutory signs in place at this location. As explained above, the statutory signage indicates a No Left Turn or No Right Turn restriction (depending on the direction of travel), not a No Entry restriction. We are aware that the London Borough of Wandsworth have installed supplementary electronic signage on both sides of the junction which displays additional information to drivers during the restricted times. Because the electronic signs are not owned by TfL, any queries about faults and repairs should be directed to Wandsworth.

If this is not the information you are looking for please feel free to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]

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