FOI request detail

On-board information on bus diversions

Request ID: FOI-0706-1819
Date published: 17 October 2018

You asked

1. Please give full details of instructions given to TfL bus operators about on-bus announcements to passengers about diversions. 2. If such instructions exist, are they mandatory or advisory? 3. How is compliance with these instructions monitored? 4. How is passenger satisfaction with on-board diversion announcements measured? 5. If they are measured what have been the results over the last five years?

We answered

TfL Ref: 0706-1819

Thank you for your email received by us on 18 June 2018 asking for information about on board bus announcements in relation to route diversions.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold the information you require. You asked:

1. Please give full details of instructions given to TfL bus operators about on-bus announcements to passengers about diversions.

The guidance we provide to bus operators is included in the Big Red Book bus driver manual; please find attached the latest edition. There is also advice in bus driver training (including our recent Hello London programme) with supporting materials like reminders. All companies additionally provide forums where experienced drivers coach new drivers into the skills of making announcements and how to say it.

2. If such instructions exist, are they mandatory or advisory?

They are advisory because drivers may need to respond to circumstances as they arise rather than have a predetermined script that may not fit the broad range of events that can occur. We encourage drivers to take the initiative but when a diversion will be in place for a significant amount of time we include messages in the iBus next-stop announcements system since we are aware of the specific type of disruption and can advise passengers accordingly.

3. How is compliance with these instructions monitored?

As previously mentioned, we do conduct monitoring for the reasons given in response to Question Two. However, we review feedback and comments from customers who contact us, which can include matters such as how we manage diversions and provide information to the public. Comments both positive and negative are relayed to the bus operating companies to make them aware and consider how they might improve the service.

4. How is passenger satisfaction with on-board diversion announcements measured?

We have a mystery shopper style survey called the Bus Customer Experience Survey (BCES). One of its measures is ‘Driver Announcements when there is a Delay/Disruption’ helping us look at areas where we might need to improve or maintain standards.

5. If they are measured what have been the results over the last five years?

The BCES in its present form is new and therefore the scores dates from a period of two years.

The following score chart shows an improvement from when the new BCES commenced at the beginning of the financial year in 2016-17 (Period 1- 1 April 2016) to the third period of the current financial year in 2018-19 (Period 3: 27 May 2018).

cid:image001.png@01D407BF.0FBE1350P=Financial year reporting period

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Jasmine Howard

FOI Case Officer

Information Governance

Transport For London


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