FOI request detail

Automated Number Plate Recognition Cameras (ANPR) along Clapham Road

Request ID: FOI-0676-2324
Date published: 20 June 2023

You asked

I would like to know if there are any Automated Number Plate Recognition Cameras (ANPR) along Clapham Road specifically in the area between the junction with stockwell park road and the traffic lights at the junction with caldwell street. If so, how many and what is their purpose? (Road A3 Clapham Road, between Stockwell and Oval tube stations in both directions). Thanks.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-0676-2324

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 3rd June 2023 asking for information about Automatic Number Plate Recognition Cameras (ANPR).

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act / Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. 

Specifically you asked:

I would like to know if there are any Automated Number Plate Recognition Cameras (ANPR) along Clapham Road specifically in the area between the junction with stockwell park road and the traffic lights at the junction with caldwell street. If so, how many and what is their purpose?  (Road A3 Clapham Road, between Stockwell and Oval tube stations in both directions).”

I can confirm that we hold the information you require. However, I am afraid that the information you have requested is exempt from disclosure under the following sections of the Freedom of Information Act: section 31(1)(a), which relates to the prevention and detection of crime; section 38, which relates to prejudice to Health and Safety, and; section 43(2), which relates to prejudice to commercial interests. In all three cases, we consider that the release of this information would be likely to cause the prejudice or harm indicated by the exemptions by encouraging vandalism to our traffic enforcement cameras. The rationale for this is explained in more detail in a previous FOI response published on our website here:

Note that all of the information the public need to comply with our Road User Charging schemes - including maps of where each scheme operates - can be found on our website here:

Information on the use of ANPR cameras for our Road User Charging schemes and how TfL uses the personal information collected can be found here.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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