FOI request detail

Details of fines issued as a result of the Toxicity charges...

Request ID: FOI-0669-1819
Date published: 24 September 2018

You asked

I would like to know the total number of fines issued by TFL whether appealed successfully or not as a result of the introduction of the Toxicity charge implemented on 23 October 2017 for the period up to the end of May 2018.

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-0669-1819
Thank you for your email received by us on 12 June 2018 asking for information about the Toxicity Charge (T-Charge). I apologise for the delay in replying to you.
Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our Information Access Policy. You asked:
I would like to know the total number of fines issued by TFL whether appealed successfully or not as a result of the introduction of the Toxicity charge implemented on 23 October 2017 for the period up to the end of May 2018.
As the T-Charge forms part of the Congestion Charge scheme, a single PCN will be issued for non-payment of the Congestion Charge scheme as a whole. We do not record PCNs issued for individual parts of the scheme.
The table below details the number of PCNs issued to vehicles entering the Congestion Charge zone, which are non-compliant with the T-Charge requirements, between 23 October 2017 – 31 May 2018. Details of the number of representations made and accepted are also enclosed.
Total CC PCNs issued for contraventions where the associated vehicle is subject to T-Charge 32,489
Number of these PCNs for which a representation has been received 4,473
Number of these PCNs for which a representation has been accepted 2,412
Of the 2,412 representations accepted 1076 related to the T-Charge. 204 were accepted as the recipient of the penalty provided additional information to confirm that the vehicle complied with the T-Charge standards and a further 872 were cancelled on discretionary grounds.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.
Yours sincerely,
Melissa Nichols
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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