FOI request detail

Oyster card machine - West Ealing station

Request ID: FOI-0647-2324
Date published: 19 June 2023

You asked

Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you as a customer of Transport for London (TfL) to make a formal request for information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The purpose of this request is to seek relevant information regarding an incident that occurred at West Ealing Station on 17-May-2023, involving the Oyster card machine (Machine No. 39). On the aforementioned date, at approximately 9:30 AM, I attempted to top up my Oyster card (Oyster card number xxxx) with £40 by inserting two £20 notes into Machine No. 39. However, the machine jammed after the second GBP 20 note was inserted. I promptly reported the incident to the station staff, who subsequently opened the machine and verified that only one £20 note was present. They advised me to complete a form and informed me that TfL would investigate the matter and refund any excess money found during the cash box clearance process. Regrettably, when I visited the station a few days later, the staff informed me that no additional money was found and that they were unable to proceed with the refund. Therefore, I kindly request your assistance in providing the following information to aid in the resolution of this matter: 1) Maintenance and Service Records: Please provide all relevant maintenance and service records for Oyster card Machine No. 39 at West Ealing Station for the date of the incident (17-May-2023) and the surrounding period. This would include any reports of malfunctions or issues with the machine during that time. 2) Cash Collection Procedures: I kindly request comprehensive information regarding the procedures implemented by TfL staff when conducting cash collection from Machine No. 39. Specifically, I would appreciate details on the frequency at which cash is collected, the established protocols for counting and recording the cash collected, and any verification measures employed to ensure accuracy. It would be valuable to include information pertaining to the cash received and sales reconciliation reports, if available. These details will help me understand the robustness of the procedures in place and ascertain if any discrepancies may have occurred during the cash collection process. 3) Incident Report or Investigation Documentation: Kindly provide any incident reports or investigations conducted by TfL or the station staff in relation to the incident with Machine No. 39 on 17-May-2023. I request copies of any related documentation, including notes taken by staff members, reports filed, or any communication exchanged regarding the missing money. 4) Staff Statements or Testimonies: Please provide any statements or testimonies given by the station staff who attended to Machine No. 39 when it jammed on the specified date. This may include any notes or records of conversations between the staff and me regarding the missing money. 5) CCTV Footage: I kindly request access to the closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage from the area surrounding Machine No. 39 at West Ealing Station on 17-May-2023, between 9:10 AM and 9:45 AM. Such footage could potentially provide evidence regarding the number of notes inserted and any other relevant details pertaining to the incident. I understand that certain exemptions and limitations may apply under the Freedom of Information Act. However, I firmly believe that the requested information is necessary to clarify the circumstances surrounding the incident and to determine the appropriate course of action regarding the refund. I would appreciate it if you could provide the requested information within the statutory time limit of 20 working days, as stipulated by the FOIA. If any fees are applicable for processing this request, please inform me in advance I kindly request that this letter and the accompanying information be shared with all relevant departments and individuals within Transport for London who are responsible for addressing customer concerns and investigating incidents of this nature. Please ensure that it reaches the appropriate personnel who can assist in resolving this matter effectively. Best regards

We answered

TfL Ref: FOI-0647-2324

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 29th May 2023 asking for information about an Oyster card machine at West Ealing station.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. 

I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. Your questions are answered in turn below. Please note that MTR Elizabeth line (the company that operates the Elizabeth Line) has identified that the ticket system banked and registered your missing £20 and accepts that you are owed £20. TfL Customer Services have attempted to contact you by phone and email to refund the money plus a small good will gesture.

Question 1) Maintenance and Service Records: Please provide all relevant maintenance and service records for Oyster card Machine No. 39 at West Ealing Station for the date of the incident (17-May-2023) and the surrounding period. This would include any reports of malfunctions or issues with the machine during that time.

Answer: During the Period 30th April – 27th May 2023 there were no incidents reported requiring engineer attendance, nor any planned maintenance activities scheduled

Question 2) Cash Collection Procedures: I kindly request comprehensive information regarding the procedures implemented by TfL staff when conducting cash collection from Machine No. 39. Specifically, I would appreciate details on the frequency at which cash is collected, the established protocols for counting and recording the cash collected, and any verification measures employed to ensure accuracy. It would be valuable to include information pertaining to the cash received and sales reconciliation reports, if available. These details will help me understand the robustness of the procedures in place and ascertain if any discrepancies may have occurred during the cash collection process.

Answer: This information is exempt from disclosure under section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act, the exemption that relates to the prevention and detection of crime.  In reaching this conclusion we are mindful of the fact that release of information under the Freedom of Information Act is considered to be to the world at large rather than the individual applicant. While we make no suggestion that your interest in this matter relates to anything other than the loss of your money, the information would nonetheless be of obvious benefit to others who may look to use if for criminal purposes.

Section 31 is a “qualified” exemption, meaning its use is subject to an assessment of the ‘Public Interest Test’, to determine whether the greater public interest rests in withholding or disclosing the information. We recognise the need for openness and transparency in the running of our business, and the fact that you have requested the information is in itself an argument in favour of release. However, while we appreciate that your request was made in good faith, given the concerns we have outlined above we believe that the greater public interest rests in withholding the information, to help protect the security of our cash collection operations, not just at this location but across the network more generally.

Question 3) Incident Report or Investigation Documentation: Kindly provide any incident reports or investigations conducted by TfL or the station staff in relation to the incident with Machine No. 39 on 17-May-2023. I request copies of any related documentation, including notes taken by staff members, reports filed, or any communication exchanged regarding the missing money.

Answer: The machine data was examined and the following marker in the machine data shows that the machine concerned recognised that it had “Kept Cash” to the value of £20 at circa 09:42hrs 17/05/2023 (an allowance has to be made for minor timing differences between incident accounts and the machine’s time stamped record of events.) In effect the machine is saying it had “Banked” the £20 but was not able to balance it as a ticket sale.

As a result it is acknowledged that you are owed £20.

Question 4) Staff Statements or Testimonies: Please provide any statements or testimonies given by the station staff who attended to Machine No. 39 when it jammed on the specified date. This may include any notes or records of conversations between the staff and me regarding the missing money.

Answer: Please see the document attached.

Question 5) CCTV Footage: I kindly request access to the closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage from the area surrounding Machine No. 39 at West Ealing Station on 17-May-2023, between 9:10 AM and 9:45 AM. Such footage could potentially provide evidence regarding the number of notes inserted and any other relevant details pertaining to the incident.
Answer: TfL does not hold the requested information. Any CCTV footage of the incident will be held by the Operator, MTREL. Furthermore, please note that as this information relates directly to yourself (on the basis that it will feature footage of yourself) it constitutes personal data and will therefore need to be treated as a Subject Access Request (SAR) under Data Protection law, rather than the Freedom of Information Act. To make a SAR to MTREL please contact [email protected].  I understand that you will need to provide a full length picture and a copy of photo ID.

If this is not the information you are looking for please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely,

David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London


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