FOI request detail

Cleanairyourview survey

Request ID: FOI-0468-2223
Date published: 20 June 2022

You asked

Clean Air Your View Please advise 1 the cost of this survey 2 Why not a simple For or Against? 3If cars are getting cleaner and the MAJORITY are ok so why this survey? 4 Please provide the statistics for 3 5 How many pensioners do you think will bother to answer 20 minutes -what a waste of time and so many unnecessary questions as over half population will not bother to answer this survey?

We answered

TfL Ref: 0468-2223

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 26 May 2022 asking for information about the Clean Air Your View survey.

 Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy.  I can confirm that we hold the information you require. Regarding the Clean Air Your View survey, your question and our answers are as below:  

1 The cost of this survey
  • The survey was created within the consultation and project team in-house. There were no costs in addition to staff time.
2 Why not a simple For or Against?
  • This consultation considers a number of complex proposals and asks people to provide views on the future of road user charging.
  • As many Londoners and groups of people could be impacted by the proposed changes in different ways, we are consulting to understand what these potential impacts are and how we could plan to mitigate them. Through the consultation, we aim to offer several opportunities for the public and stakeholders to tell us what they think about each proposal to ensure robust decision making once the consultation closes.
  • The purpose of the consultation is to inform and support our decision making process, it is not a referendum on whether something should or should not happen (although consultation respondents are free to state this in their response if they wish). It provides our communities and stakeholders to share their views and opinions with us when each proposal is still at a formative stage. This then allows us to consider this feedback and demonstrate how this has been taken into account when an eventual decision is made. This is done in line with the principles of a legally compliant public consultation.
  • Free text boxes are also provided to give people an opportunity to state their views.

3 If cars are getting cleaner and the MAJORITY are ok so why this survey?
  • As previously stated, we are consulting on a number of proposals as part of this consultation in addition to the proposal to extend the Ultra Low Emission Zone London-wide in 2023. We want to understand people’s views on all elements of the proposals. Additionally, we have a statutory requirement to consult on changes to the Mayor’s Transport Strategy.
  • Although some vehicle drivers would be impacted by the proposed changes, we also want to hear the views of many other groups who might be impacted, both positively and negatively, by the proposed changes. The consultation provides the opportunity for anyone to have their say on the proposed changes and share their thoughts on the future of road user charging in London.

4 Please provide the statistics for 3
  • We estimate that 82 per cent of vehicles in outer London already meet the ULEZ standards, suggesting that fewer than one in five drivers in outer London will need to take action ahead of the expansion.

5 How many pensioners do you think will bother to answer 20 minutes - what a waste of time and so many unnecessary questions as over half population will not bother to answer this survey?
  • If consultees want to respond to the consultation but do not want to complete the online survey, there are other ways they can have their say:
    • You can email your response to [email protected]
    • You can post your response to FREEPOST TFL HAVE YOUR SAY (no stamp required)
    • You can phone our dedicated phone line: 0343 222 115

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.

Yours sincerely

Sara Thomas
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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