FOI request detail

Rotherhithe Ferry

Request ID: FOI-0442-2021
Date published: 17 August 2020

You asked

Rotherhithe Ferry Please can you provide the latest cost estimate for the Rotherhithe Ferry project, including the date this estimate was produced. As a minimum, please include a breakdown of the costs as following: · Rotherhithe pier · Canary Wharf pier · Ground corrections /works · Design fees · Ferries (including how many) · Connections to cycling routes (if included in the budget) · Land acquisition Media reports are indicating costs of this project are in the region of £50m. If this does not match the above, are you able to confirm where this information originated. I am aware you have reviewed the Beckett Rankine / Thames Clippers Rotherhithe Ferry design. Can you confirm how your current design differs and the estimated financial impact. I also note that the Rotherhithe Ferry project has moved from the Healthy Streets budget to the Public Transport Budget. Can you confirm the reasons for this decision and what impact that will have on the development and financing of this project? Confirmation of where the proposed Rotherhithe Ferry sites are detailing TfL's preference for each location. A map of each location would be useful. Finally, are the ferry crossings still expected to be free of charge? Thanks in advance

We answered

Our Ref:         FOI-0442-2021

Thank you for your request received on 20 June 2020 asking for information about the Rotherhithe Ferry Project.

Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm we hold some of the information you require. You asked:

Please can you provide the latest cost estimate for the Rotherhithe Ferry project, including the date this estimate was produced.

As a minimum, please include a breakdown of the costs as following:

·       Rotherhithe pier
·       Canary Wharf pier
·       Ground corrections /works
·       Design fees
·       Ferries (including how many)
·       Connections to cycling routes (if included in the budget)
·       Land acquisition

Media reports are indicating costs of this project are in the region of £50m. If this does not match the above, are you able to confirm where this information originated.

Recent media reports indicating costs of the project are in the region of £50m sourced the information from a list of upcoming/potential supplier opportunities that were published online. This indicated the potential value of the contract (or contracts) to design/build/supply new piers and ferries, and perform the operation of the service, could fall in a value band of £50m+.

This estimate was not intended to represent detailed cost estimates for projects, but rather give an indication to potential suppliers of the potential value of our procurement pipeline. Depending on the number of vessels, pier designs and other factors, including our ability to negotiate with potential suppliers, a range of £55m to £100m is estimated for the full cost. This estimate was produced in January 2020.

We remain committed to improving river crossings in east London, particularly for sustainable modes. However, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our finances, particularly passenger income, means that our revised budget inevitably involves very difficult choices having to be made.

While we are doing what we can to continue the vital capital investment which will help London recover from the pandemic, in the current climate some projects will have to be paused, including the Rotherhithe to Canary Wharf crossing, as we seek a long term sustainable funding settlement with Government. Moreover, providing a breakdown of our estimates of costs for the project will prejudice our ability to secure best value from the market in the future.

Confirmation of where the proposed Rotherhithe Ferry sites are detailing TfL's preference for each location. A map of each location would be useful.

Similarly, in accordance with the FOI Act, we are not obliged to supply details of the proposed sites and our preference for these locations as this is subject to a statutory exemption to the right of access to information under section 43(2) – prejudice to commercial interests.

The development of the Rotherhithe-Canary Wharf ferry is still ongoing, including work to confirm the preferred pier locations and designs. Sharing the requested information would prejudice TfL’s commercial position in securing the necessary rights to build and operate the scheme through commercial negotiations with relevant land owners/third parties.

We can confirm however, that TfL is exploring a number of options for the location of piers for the new ferry service in Rotherhithe and the Isle of Dogs. Further information will be shared as part of future public engagement and consultation, which would be expected to take place soon after the project restarts.

The use of these exemptions is subject to an assessment of the public interest in relation to the disclosure of the information concerned. We recognise the need for openness and transparency by public authorities but in this instance the public interest in ensuring that TfL is able to obtain the best value for public money outweighs the general public interest in increasing transparency of our processes. We will publish relevant commercially sensitive information at an appropriate time in the project lifecycle.

If this is not the information you are looking for please feel free to contact me.

The following request is not for recorded information and therefore is not being responded to under the FOI Act.

I am aware you have reviewed the Beckett Rankine / Thames Clippers Rotherhithe Ferry design. Can you confirm how your current design differs and the estimated financial impact.

Our design work has not yet concluded and, while we are aware of it, we have not yet specifically reviewed or costed the previous Beckett Rankine / Thames Clippers work. We do not hold information on the cost of the Beckett Raine design, therefore we do not hold information on any differences or their estimated financial impact.

It is helpful to note, however, that Beckett Rankine are directly involved in the current design work. Further information can be found at

Thames Clippers has also been engaged as a prospective supplier and they/other operators would continue to be engaged as part of the scheme’s development. When the project is able to restart, as part of finalising our proposals, we will be reviewing options for different elements of the design, reviewing their costs and benefits, and testing these with specialist suppliers. Again, we will share more information as part of future public engagement, consultation or where otherwise appropriate.

Finally, are the ferry crossings still expected to be free of charge?

No decision has yet been taken on whether the ferry crossing is expected to be free of charge. As stated in the press release linked above, we are assessing different operating models to run the service, including whether sponsorship and subsidy of the service could be used to make it free to customers. This will be reviewed further once the project is able to restart.

I also note that the Rotherhithe Ferry project has moved from the Healthy Streets budget to the Public Transport Budget. Can you confirm the reasons for this decision and what impact that will have on the development and financing of this project?

We can confirm that the project has moved from our ‘Healthy Streets’ Programme to our ‘Public Transport’ Programme. This simply reflects our accounting processes and is not expected to have any impact on the development or financing of this project. In short, we expect ‘London River Services Limited (LRSL)’ to be the owner/operator of relevant assets/services arising from this project. LRSL is a subsidiary company of TfL and capital investment in LRSL is generally managed under the Public Transport Programme. Further information on TfL subsidiary companies is available at

The impact of current circumstances on TfL’s resources means we are not able to answer FOI requests readily and we ask that you please do not make a request to us at present.
Answering FOI requests will require the use of limited resources and the attention of staff who could be supporting other essential activity. In any event, please note that our response time will be affected by the current situation.

Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Gemma Jacob
Senior FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

[email protected]

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