FOI request detail

Land holdings

Request ID: FOI-0372-2425
Date published: 24 May 2024

You asked

Follow-up to EIR-4725-2324: Thanks for your email of 18 April regarding Save Our Edgware's FOI request on 21 March 2024 asking for information about No public right of way through Deans Brook at Edgware. Since TfL has registers of all land holdings. May we have a copy of the register of the TfL land which covers the Edgware Underground Station, the siding, the Bus Station and Garage and Deans Brook Nature Reserve?

We answered

TfL Ref: EIR-0335-2425 and EIR-0372-2425
Thank you for your further requests received by Transport for London (TfL) on 26th and 1st May 2024 asking for information about the Edgware project.
Your requests have been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations and our information access policy. 
I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require. Your questions are answered in turn below:
Case reference EIR-0335-2425:
Question A1: Which post / section of TfL is responsible for entering  information on meetings?
Answer: There is no single “post” or “section” of TfL that is responsible for “entering information” (by which we assume you mean recording information) “on meetings”. TfL employs around 25,000 members of staff and the range of our responsibilities is vast and complex. Whether or not a meeting gets formally recorded / minuted depends on the purpose and formality of that meeting.
Question A2: Is the list the only listing of meetings or are there other lists?
Answer: The list provided previously is the only list in relation to the matter in hand.
Question A3: What is the procedure for adding details of meetings to the list?
Answer: The list was compiled for the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which is part of the planning application. The SCI lists every meeting we have held with stakeholders, and is updated by the relevant team as and when meetings take place.
Question A4: Was the list completed to answer our FOI or will more meetings be added to the list when they occur?
Answer: The list was compiled for the Statement of Community Involvement. Should any further meetings occur they would be added to the list.
Question A5: Is the list complete and accurate?
Answer: Yes, the list was accurate on the date it was provided to you.
Question B1: In relation to the meeting with Seb Dance - Deputy Mayor for Transport, Tom Copley - Deputy Mayor for Housing and Residential Development and the Labour Administration on 1 September 2023,  please can we have: Correspondence regarding the setting up of the meeting such as invitations / request for a meeting.
Answer: TfL does not hold any such material - this meeting was set up with officers at the GLA by telephone
Question B2: Materials presented by TfL to the meeting
Answer: This was a site visit, and the information provided was that found on display in the meeting room at the time. Copies of the materials in the meeting room can be found via the following link:
Question B3: Notes of the meeting / action log / follow up 
Answer: TfL does not hold the requested material. No formal notes were taken. This was a presentation similar to those local stakeholders would have received.
Question B4: A copy of  the entry in the official Office diary of Seb dance or Tom Copley regarding the meeting.
Answer: TfL does not hold the requested information.
Question B5: Have any other meetings taken place with Seb Dance or Tom Copley or staff from their offices or teams.
Answer: None up to the date of your request.
Question C: The email of 24 January TfL quoted the below data (see attachment). We believe that it is TfL’s responsibility to show that the data is accurate. The recognised way of doing this is to produce the exact references which we requested but have not been produced. Please can we have the references.
“4. Please could explain what you mean by a ‘thriving future for Edgware’ and what metrics you will be using?
An Environmental Statement will be submitted as part of the Outline Planning Application. This will include information and analysis on any impacts and effects of the scheme, including the socio-economic impacts that could arise during both the demolition and construction works, as well as once the proposed development is complete and operational. The proposals would create significant employment locally and add £80 million per year in Gross Value Added (GVA) to the local economy. Both the workers employed on-site and the residents living within the Proposed Development are expected to spend money in the local area, resulting in a minimum additional annual spend of approximately £37.2 million per annum – the effect of which is considered to be a significant benefit.
The Proposed Development will also provide a significant beneficial contribution to the delivery of new homes within the borough (in addition to purpose built student accommodation and senior living should these uses be delivered).“
Answer: It is not entirely clear what recorded information is being requested. All information is taken from the Environmental Statement which is being prepared as part of the planning application. This will be available for review when the planning application is submitted and stakeholders will have the opportunity to comment both to the developers and to the council on this. We would be happy to discuss this in further detail when the planning application is submitted and we can explain the methodology then.
Case reference EIR-0372-2425:
Question: Since TfL has registers of all land holdings. May we have a copy of the register of the TfL land which covers the Edgware Underground Station, the siding, the Bus Station and Garage and Deans Brook Nature Reserve?
This is already publicly accessible information. Please see the property asset register online here.
If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal as well as information on copyright and what to do if you would like to re-use any of the information we have disclosed.
Yours sincerely,
David Wells
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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