FOI request detail


Request ID: FOI-0369-2223
Date published: 19 May 2022

You asked

Request: A) What is the monthly amount of funds obtained from ULEZ scheme after it has expanded eighteen times (Please specify per each month since expansion)? How much of this has been spent on improving roads and traffic situation in London? What is the amount of fines that has been issued since expansion? What is the amount of fines that has been paid? What is the amount of daily charges of £12/50 received? B) What is the economic and environmental impact of ULEZ scheme? in particular, please explain what attempts have been exercised to protect health of residents living close to current boundaries of the scheme, affected by increased traffic. Also, how has economic impact of ULEZ affected quality of life of those, unable to upgrade their vehicles. C) What was the household budget, taken to consideration when calculating affordability of £12.50 charge for any length or duration journey? Please provide the amount. D) Please provide measurements of pollution taken inside different areas within current ULEZ boundaries before and after ULEZ expansion. Surely, there must be exact statistical data. Please explain what is acceptable level of pollution for such city like London. If you have not such data, please consider checking website. If no other contradicting information will be provided on this account, data shown on mentioned website shall be automatically confirmed as true. E) When was last time current major of London took his Civil Service Psychometric test? Can his rating be disclosed? F) When was last time current major took random drug test? G) What were the reasons for: 1. Making most of bus lanes unavailable at all times, as the result causing increase in traffic, 2. Blocking side roads in whole areas, using wooden boxes filled with earth, restricting access for residents and emergency services, as the result causing increase in traffic, 3. Turning full width second road lanes into cycling paths, as the result causing increase in traffic, 4. Turning bus lanes into cyclist lanes and adding busses to common traffic. Now every time any bus stops on the bus stop, it can not be overtaken, as the result causing increase in traffic, 5. Planting plastic bollards alongside roads, thus narrowing lanes and preventing overcoming of turning vehicles, as the result causing increase in traffic, 6. Changing road layouts on busy junctions with effect of considerable increase in traffic, 7. What is the numeric measurement of amount of cyclists using the cyclist paths before and after they have been widened for them, 8. What is the amount of road tax that cyclists pay for using roads same as motorists do?

We answered

Our ref: FOI-0369-2223/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 3 May 2022 asking for various information.
Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Environmental Information Regulations, Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy.

I can confirm that we do hold some of the information you require. However, given the extent of the information you are looking for, we are applying Regulation 12(4)(b) as we believe that the request is ‘manifestly unreasonable’ because providing the information you have requested would impose unreasonable costs on us and require an unreasonable diversion of resources.

You have requested a variety of information on different topics, such as ULEZ, bus lanes, cycle lanes, the Mayor, cycling and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. To answer your current questions on all of these topics would take an excessive amount of staff time and resources.

There is a lot of information regarding ULEZ published on our website, and accessible here:

Information on other topics can also be found on our website.

Question regarding the Mayor should be addressed to the Mayor’s Office as TfL does not hold the information you are requesting.

You have also asked for the ‘reasons for’ different measures being implemented. Although your request can take the form of a question, rather than a request for specific documents, TfL does not have to answer your question if it would require the creation of new information or the provision of a judgement, explanation, advice or opinion that was not already recorded at the time of your request.

The use of this exception is subject to a public interest test, which requires us to consider whether the public interest in applying the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosure. We recognise that the release of information would promote accountability and transparency in public services and also help address your particular concerns about these issues. However, the time it would take to provide the information you have requested would divert a disproportionate amount of our resources from its core functions and on balance we consider that the public interest currently favours the use of the exception.

We will consider your request again, if you are able to narrow its scope so that we can more easily locate, retrieve and extract the information you are seeking. You may therefore wish to concentrate on matters which are of most interest to you.
Please see the enclosed information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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