FOI request detail

Freedom of Information request - TfL's Integrated transport planning data base/ planning for reduced future congestion

Request ID: FOI-0312-2425
Date published: 22 May 2024

You asked

Dear Transport for London, Network Rail alarmingly is yet to collate and quantify its foot, push, cycle active traffic bridges public provision for Greater London and also which stations so far allow or do not allow public access through them for local communities to bridge rail track severances direct and safely. How and where does TfL's current transport modelling factor and take account of this key missing active traffic infrastructure planning data, especially given the many new car-free housing 'high towns' at UK densities unseen building on rail land since year 2000. Developers love harsh severances, segregations and total enclosures, while Londoners love direct fast connection across the local rather than to be funnelled and diverted by rail line severances to feed existing London congestion 'hot spots' growth. Walking and cycling options should be focused on car-free rail side 'high towns' with this new tenanted London fully connecting in, but without quality, equitable and complete data to model integrated transport with, how can that ever even start to happen? Yours faithfully,

We answered

TfL Refs: FOI-0312-2425; FOI-0529-2425; FOI-0547-2425

Thank you for your requests received by Transport for London (TfL) on 25 April, 13 and 16 May 2024 asking for information about TfL’s transport planning.  

Your requests have been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act and our information access policy. I can confirm that we hold some of the information you require.

The Mayor’s Transport Strategy sets out plans to transform London's streets, improve public transport and create opportunities for new homes and jobs. This includes walking and cycling action plans, published on our website here:

If you wish to offer feedback on a particular matter, please visit our contacts page available here:
Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Abidakun
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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