FOI request detail

PCN Payment info

Request ID: FOI-0214-2122
Date published: 26 May 2021

You asked

For the same period of time please can you provide the following. How many PCN's (all types) were issued? Of those that were issued and excluding any that were cancelled or did not proceed in a manner where payment would be expected, how many that were issued resulted in a payment at either the lower or normal rate but before a Charge Certificate or Order for Recovery application. For example, if the discounted rate was £65 and the higher rate was £130, then the Charge Certificate would be £195 and an Order for Recovery at £203. It is only payment at £65 or £130 that we are concerned with. Where a ticket was issued, can you advise how many had no transfer of liability applications and where no TOL occurred, how many resulted in a payment and how many resulted in non-payment? i.e. 1000 tickets were issued and 250 had no TOL processed and 200 were paid and then 25 cancelled and 25 left unpaid. Where a ticket was issued, can you advise how many had only one transfer of liability and where only one TOL occurred, how many resulted in a payment and how many resulted in non-payment? i.e. 1000 tickets were issued and 500 had one TOL processed (i.e. registered keeper to driver) and 300 were paid and then 50 cancelled and 150 left unpaid. Where a ticket was issued, can you advise how many had two transfer of liability requests or more (i.e. registered keeper to rental company to driver) and where two or more TOL's occurred, how many resulted in a payment and how many resulted in non-payment? i.e. 1000 tickets were issued and 250 had two or more TOL's processed and 200 were paid and then 20 cancelled and 30 left unpaid. I am wanting to find out if there is any change in the likelihood of a PCN achieving a successful payment if there are more or less TOL's processed. If you have ay other data that might be relevant or useful I would appreciate it. I would also request permission to reproduce or use the data. To be clear, we would not be charging for the information however would like to reference this information in places such as (but not exclusively) marketing material, blog posts or on our websites.

We answered

Our ref: FOI-0214-2122/GH

Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 30 April 2021 asking for information about Penalty Charge payments.

Your request has been considered under the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and our information access policy. I can confirm that we do hold the information you require.

We do not hold reliable representation data prior to November 2020, and therefore the data provided below is for the period November 2020 – March 2021.

The information requested is below, and correct as of 25 May 2021. As time passes the number of PCNs paid will increase.

How many PCN's (all types) were issued?

Between November 2020 and March 2021 737,164 PCNs were issued in total across all TfL road user charging schemes including Congestion Charge, Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ), Low Emissions Zone (LEZ) and road traffic contraventions.

Of those that were issued and excluding any that were cancelled or did not proceed in a manner where payment would be expected, how many that were issued resulted in a payment at either the lower or normal rate but before a Charge Certificate or Order for Recovery application. For example, if the discounted rate was £65 and the higher rate was £130, then the Charge Certificate would be £195 and an Order for Recovery at £203.  It is only payment at £65 or £130 that we are concerned with.

Of these, 430,289 were paid at either £65 or £130.

Where a ticket was issued, can you advise how many had no transfer of liability applications and where no TOL occurred, how many resulted in a payment and how many resulted in non-payment?  i.e. 1000 tickets were issued and 250 had no TOL processed and 200 were paid and then 25 cancelled and 25 left unpaid.

707,275 of the total PCNs issued during this time period had no transfer of liability associated with them. Of these, 442,300 resulted in payment, 50,379 were cancelled or written off and 214,596 remain outstanding.

Where a ticket was issued, can you advise how many had only one transfer of liability and where only one TOL occurred, how many resulted in a payment and how many resulted in non-payment?  i.e. 1000 tickets were issued and 500 had one TOL processed (i.e. registered keeper to driver) and 300 were paid and then 50 cancelled and 150 left unpaid.

26,535 of the total PCNs issued during this time period had one transfer of liability associated with them. Of these, 12,698 resulted in payment, 1,195 were cancelled or written off and 12,642 remain outstanding.

Where a ticket was issued, can you advise how many had two transfer of liability requests or more (i.e. registered keeper to rental company to driver) and where two or more TOL's occurred, how many resulted in a payment and how many resulted in non-payment?  i.e. 1000 tickets were issued and 250 had two or more TOL's processed and 200 were paid and then 20 cancelled and 30 left unpaid.

3,354 of the total PCNs issued during this time period had two transfers of liability associated with them. Of these, 1,031 resulted payment, 159 were cancelled and 2,164 remain outstanding.

If this is not the information you are looking for, or if you are unable to access it for some reason, please do not hesitate to contact me.

If you are considering submitting a further FOI request please think carefully about whether the request is essential at this current time, as answering FOI requests will require the use of limited resources and the attention of staff who could be supporting other essential activity. Where requests are made, please note that our response time may be impacted by the current situation.

If you are not satisfied with this response please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.

Yours sincerely

Graham Hurt
FOI Case Officer
FOI Case Management Team
General Counsel
Transport for London

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