FOI request detail

Average speed cameras M4 Junction 1 - 4 westbound and eastbound

Request ID: FOI-0109-1718
Date published: 12 July 2017

You asked

Towards the end of March 2017 multiple yellow Average Speed Cameras have been installed along the M4 motorway between Junction 1 and Junction 4 in both directions passing between Chiswick, Ealing, Brentford, Heston, Hayes & Harlington. They are even on the flyover mounted on top of the road signs central of the flyover at different points. Though I've mentioned the locations. Could you re-confirm the locations of the average speed cameras both on the eastbound and westbound Motorway in the area of J1-J4 M4 Motorway. Could you confirm that these are in fact average speed cameras? -Are these cameras live? -If yes when did they go live? -If no when will they go live? -I would like the go live date confirmed. -Are the camera in sets of 3 or 4? -Are they in pairs? -How many sets are there? ( Do they measure speed at point A and point B or do they measure between point A, B and C) -If you are unable to answer the specifics please tell me who manages the cameras? -What is the distance between the cameras? -Are the camera's calibrated? -Do the average speed camera's each have a calibration certificate? -To better understand the cameras and how they work, what is the model / make / description? -Are these camera permanent? -If no, when will they be removed? -Why have they been installed? -What is the purpose of the cameras? -Why have they been installed? -Where else might the public be able to read about these newly installed cameras? - Are you able to reveal the cost for the installation of these new cameras? - Are you able to reveal how often they will be maintained and the costs of maintenance? - Has there been a forecast of the revenue these cameras might earn through the issuing of speed tickets?

We answered

TfL Ref: 0109-1718


Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 22 March 2017 asking for information about speed cameras on the M4.


Your request has been considered in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and our information access policy.


Unfortunately we do not hold the information you have requested as the Highways Agency manages the national motorway network, including the M4. You may want to access their website for further information:


For details of the roads managed by TfL please see:


Please see the attached information sheet for details of your right to appeal.


Yours sincerely,


Melissa Nichols


FOI Case Management Team

General Counsel

Transport for London


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