Finance committee

Committee members are listed on the Finance committee details page

Meeting agenda and papers

Agendas, papers and minutes for meetings held after August 2021 are available on our Finance committee meetings page.

Because of a temporary server issue, the 11 October 2023 Finance committee meeting papers are available here instead of on the committee meeting papers page.

2021 (from before August 2021) meeting papers

2020 meeting papers

To comply with the coronavirus social distancing requirements, Members will meet by videoconference. The parts of the meeting held in public will be streamed contemporaneously on TfL's YouTube channel.

To comply with the coronavirus travel restrictions and social distancing requirements, Members discussed the items on the agenda by videoconference. This was webcast and recorded, in lieu of public access, and is published on TfL's YouTube channel.

To comply with the coronavirus travel restrictions and social distancing requirements, Members discussed the items on the agenda by videoconference. This was recorded, in lieu of public access, and is published on TfL's YouTube channel.

The public parts of the meeting were recorded, including a summary following the discussion of the exempt information. The recording of the 12 May 2020 meeting is available on the the Mayor of London's website.

2019 meeting papers

2018 meeting papers

2017 meeting papers

2016 meeting papers