Support for those affected by tram incident

11 November 2016

An official fundraising page has been set up by the council for anyone wishing to support the victims of Wednesday's incident and their families.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has arranged for our dedicated helpline for people affected by fatal or serious injuries on London's transport network, the Sarah Hope Line, to be available for those directly affected by the incident.

The Sarah Hope Line is run by dedicated our staff to provide practical, financial and emotional help and can also make referrals for counselling and specialised support. The contact details for the Sarah Hope Line are 0343 222 5678, or

Councillor Tony Newman, leader of Croydon Council said: 'During this difficult time it is vital those affected by this terrible incident receive the care, help and support they need. Croydon's community have been brilliant in coming together to support those impacted by this event, anyone else from the wider London community wishing to do so can now donate via our JustGiving page.

'The specialist support offered by the Mayor of London and TfL through the Sarah Hope Line, will ensure the victims and families will get the long term support they need now, and in the tough months ahead. Those who were injured and who sadly lost their lives in this tragic incident, their family and friends remain firmly in our thoughts.'

Offering support

Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: 'As the recovery process continues in Croydon, it is vital that we come together to support those Londoners whose lives have been affected by this terrible incident.

'The TfL Sarah Hope Line is ideally placed to offer help and support to those affected by this tragic event.

'Every Londoner will have been touched by Wednesday's tragic events, and Croydon Council has created a special web-page where anyone who wishes to make a donation can do so.

'The people of Croydon, especially the friends and families of those who have lost their lives, remain in our thoughts and prayers.'

Mike Brown, London's Transport Commissioner, added: '‎Since the tragic events in Croydon our thoughts and prayers have been with those who lost their lives, those who were injured and the families and friends of everyone affected.'