Advertising and service information standard
Basic elements standard
Colour standard
Display stands standard
Door signs in the customer environment standard
FORS logo usage standard
Gateline graphics standard
Interchange signs standard
Line diagram standard
London Travel Information and Tickets fascia standard
Pictogram standard
Product design guidelines
Safety and supplementary notices standard
Staff name badge standard
Standard for TfL products
Stationery standard
Street map design standard
Supplementary signs standard
Support vehicle livery standard
Text legibility standard
Ticket machine graphics standard
Validator and gateline graphics standard for National Rail stations
Validator graphics standard
Design standards
We do this by ensuring:
- The correct positioning of branding elements
- The correct use of corporate typefaces
- Compliance with the Equality Act 2010
Design standards are also useful for promoting safety by making sure our messages help passengers use the transport network with ease and confidence.
Differences by transport mode
The design standards we produce are for use by staff, suppliers and design agencies involved in graphic design and layout.
Check that you're using the correct set of standards - although some guidelines apply across different transport modes and business areas. there are key differences between them.