
17564 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

Can you please advise me how many hair follicle sample as were carried out on TfL/LUL staff since 2013?

Freedom of Information request - Route 60 BUS - PURLEY to CROYDON - ROAD WORKS - Impact on Timings Dear Transport for London, I wish to analyse the impact on bus operations of major changes...

The data provided in response to FOI-2846-2223 indicated that 464 members of staff work a 4 day week, and a further 167 working between 4 and 4.25 days on full salary. In response to FOI-0188-2324,...

1. I wish to know the number of PCN's issued for ULEZ contraventions between the following dates: January 1st, 2022 - May 1st, 2023 2, I wish to know the number of challenges to the above...

I would like to request information over a 5 year period for all Section 81 failures on Highways access and grating locations within the TFL remit please.

This freedom of information request concerns the use of ‘selective vehicle detection’ at traffic signals using the iBUS system, in order to give priority to London buses Please provide a list...

In the past few weeks, markings for Cycleway 16 (the route formerly promoted as "Quietway 6") have appeared on Capel Road E7 and Honour Lea Avenue E20. This suggests these parts of route have...

F/on from EIR-0121 Thankyou for your response, In light of this could you please provide the 17 "safety incident" records kept on your records for me to examine.

Hi TFL, I was hoping you could provide some aggregated statistic's on the number of Private Hire Vehicles registered against Registered Keepers. I was hoping you could provide the number...

Hello, I'm making a school project on transit ridership around the world. Unfortunately, I can't find any statistics for tube ridership before 1990, and was wondering if you have archived data...