
17564 requests found

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• How does TfL deal with offensive and non-offensive graffiti and fly-posting on private/commercial property visible from their TLRN network? • What legislation does TfL they use for enforcement,...

F/on from: FOI-2063-1819/GH Thank you for a copy of this risk assessment, which arrived much earlier than your estimated time. While the report covers a range of changes made to the crossing...

In reference to FOI-2551-1718, could you please provide me with updated list of the following 1. information of all persons who were hit by tube/trains/all TfL operated lines over the last years...

I would like to request a copy of the Underground's "Rule Book 03 - Traction current and high voltage supply". If this document includes information of a sensitive nature, could it be provided...

Dear Transport for London, Please can you provide me with the most recent data for the age profiles of London Black Taxi drivers in displaying the numbers of drivers in each age bracket. Yours...

1. What are the waiting times (period between pressing the crossing button and getting the green man signal) for both the north and south sides of the pedestrian crossing at this location? 2....

Dear Sir or Madam, I was hoping you might be able to let me know what revenue is included in the figures listed in the Annual Report 2017 on p.130 & 131 Specifically,...

I would like all of the evaluations, analyses, assessments, plans or any other documents that TfL possesses on the introduction of road pricing that have been created, authored or commissioned...

Follow on from FOI- 2071-1819 Thank you for your response. I understand that a significant amount of effort may be required to extract the data I requested, mainly because it involves going...

For the years 2015 / 2016 / 2017 and 2018 please could you provide the figures for how much money (funding) was given to :- 1. London Cycling Campaign (LCC) 2. SusTrans