
17497 requests found

If you have a question regarding your ongoing request, please email [email protected]

I realise that it would be helpful to correlate the gender of respondents to the 2017 CS9 consultation with levels of support for the stretch I am interested in, that is: Chiswick High Road,...

Can you tell me? Who sat on the interview panel? Where was the post advertised? What is the salary for the post? How many staff does the commissioner have? What is the annual budget? Who...

Follow on from FOI-1372-1920 Thank you for releasing the road safety audits for the CS9 / Cycleway 9 scheme. I did not receive any other safety risk assessment - please can you confirm if this...

Please could you tell me the maximum passenger capacity of each different type of bus operating in the London area, including wheelchair users, thank you.

I would like to know the phasing pattern for the traffic lights at the north-east corner of Highbury Corner, at the Junction with St Paul's Road and the A1 - including the bike lane early release...

I wondered if you could please share a list of the top 20 items lost on the London Underground in August and September. It would be great if you could please confirm what items were lost and...

Latest Taxi and private hire fleet information (details of the age and vehicle make, mode and types that make up the licensed taxi private hire vehicle fleet in London) Breakdown of the licence...

I would be very grateful if you could supply the total amount of income TfL received from the utility companies in respect of works they carried out with digging up the road under the lane rental...

I would be very grateful if you could confirm the end/expiry dates of when KFC, McDonalds & Burger King won’t be allowed to advertise on London Transport their full menu range & only their healthy...

Can you please provide all e-mails from Gary Snewings email account between Feb 2018 - May 2018 that reference the key words: MyTaxi; Gett.