Crossrail Central Operating Section

Rail for London (Infrastructure) (RfL(I)), a wholly-owned TfL subsidiary, manages the CCOS infrastructure. These documents show how RfL(I) does business with customers, including potential operators of other train services. 

Use this information to understand how to apply for access to operate train services through the CCOS.

Applying for access to operate train services

Network Statement

The Network Statement is designed to provide prospective users of the CCOS with information about the infrastructure and how they would be able to gain access to the CCOS to operate trains.

Framework Capacity Statement

The Framework Capacity Statement is intended to give prospective users of the CCOS an indication of how much capacity is likely to be available on the CCOS, giving them a first impression of how likely it is that their applications for capacity will be approved.

Service Facilities Statement

The Service Facilities Statement is to inform applicants and other interested parties about RfL(I)'s service facilities and the related terms and conditions for allocation of capacity and use.

Capacity Request

RfL(I) has developed a template form which can be used by train operators or prospective train operators when making capacity requests. 


The latest annual data on the performance of the CCOS infrastructure:

The first period for which data will be published will be that from 24 May 2022 (the start of passenger services on the CCOS) to 31 March 2023.

Adjoining infrastructure manager

The CCOS connects both in the east and the west to the Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (NR) network. To access the CCOS, potential train operators must also request access from the NR network and should do this before approaching RfL(I). Relevant information is on the Network Rail website.

Terms of access - track

Template Track Access Contracts

The Track Access Contract sets out the terms and conditions under which a train operator can access the track forming part of the CCOS.

Current Track Access Contracts

In Track Access Contracts entered into by RfL(I), certain information may be redacted for commercial confidentiality. Copies of current Track Access Contracts are available on the ORR website .

Current Track Access Application Consultations

RfL(I) is currently consulting on the following track access applications. Consultation responses should be directed to .


CCOS Network Code

The CCOS Network Code is a common set of rules which will apply across every train operator accessing the CCOS. This document forms part of the CCOS Track Access Agreement.

It sets out, for example, how changes can be made to the CCOS infrastructure and the trains operating on the CCOS, how a timetable is developed by RfL(I) and how the environment is protected. It also describes the process for monitoring performance and the limited circumstances in which access rights can be lost. 

These standard forms are for requesting, issuing and responding to Vehicle Change proposals under Part F and Network Change proposals under Part G of the CCOS Network Code:

CCOS Access Dispute Resolution Rules

Occasionally, RfL(I) and a train operator or train operators may have a disagreement which cannot be resolved by discussion, negotiation and agreement. The CCOS Access Dispute Resolution Rules set out formal processes to resolve any disputes which may come up. These rules are appended to the CCOS Network Code.

CCOS Performance Data Accuracy Code

The CCOS Track Access Agreement and CCOS Network Code set out how RfL(I) will monitor the journey of each train on the CCOS and where performance payments may become due for delays.

The CCOS Performance Data Accuracy Code supports the operation of this: it sets out the level to which RfL(I) will maintain performance information and the arrangements which will be put in place if the performance monitoring system does not work as expected.

Delay Attribution

Responsibility for delays to train services on the CCOS will be allocated in line with the Delay Attribution Principles and Rules (DAPR).

This is issued by the Delay Attribution Board.

CCOS Railway Operational Code

The CCOS Railway Operational Code sets out how RfL(I) intends to operate the CCOS. The key priority will be to ensure that trains operate according to the timetable - whether during normal operations or times of disruption affecting the CCOS (so it will include steps RfL(I) will take to restore normal operations). This requirement comes from Part H of the CCOS Network Code - the document is meant to be practical.

CCOS Emergency Access Code

On rare occasions, an emergency may affect the CCOS and/or the Network Rail network. In these situations, train operators who do not otherwise use particular sections of the track or particular stations on the CCOS may need access - for example, access to stations other than those normally called at. The CCOS Emergency Access Code sets out the terms and conditions for granting emergency access. 

CCOS Railway Systems Code

RfL(I) will use a number of IT systems to operate the CCOS which train operators and others may wish to access. We expect some of these systems to be common to Network Rail's IT systems but some specific systems for the CCOS itself are likely.

The CCOS Railway Systems Code sets out the scope of those systems, how users can access them and the circumstances where modifications can be made to the systems. Each train operator using the CCOS will be required to comply with the CCOS Railway Systems Code.

CCOS Systems Catalogue

The CCOS Railway Systems Code refers to this list of systems - includes a brief description of each system.

Elizabeth line timetable

The full Elizabeth line public timetable is published as part of the National Electronic Timetable on the Network Rail website.

For all stations between Shenfield and Paddington (Elizabeth line) and key stations to Heathrow Airport, Maidenhead and Reading refer to Network Rail Anglia Route Table 004.

For all stations between Reading and Abbey Wood/ Stratford and key stations to Stratford to Gidea Park and Shenfield refer to Network Rail Western Route Table 116.

Working Timetable

The detailed working timetable (WTT) provides all of the scheduled workings involving all passenger and freight trains along with all ancillary stock and locomotive movements that enable the railway to function at the operating level.

An electronic copy of the CCOS Working Timetable for the railway between Westbourne Park Junction, Pudding Mill Lane Junction and Abbey Wood is available upon request to

For the sections of the Elizabeth line operating on adjacent Network Rail infrastructure, the Working Timetable is available online from Network Rail.

Refer to sections LA (LA01 Liverpool Street to Shenfield) and PA (PA01 Paddington to Airport Junction and Heathrow; PA02 Airport Junction to Reading).

These tables are available on the National Rail Timetables website.

Operational Rules


The Timetable Planning Rules (TPR) and the Engineering Access Statement (EAS) are collectively referred to as the Operational Rules. These documents set out how RfL(I) will develop the timetable for the operation of trains on the CCOS. They are updated for each timetable year.

The TPR sets out the standard timings trains will take to run between locations such as stations and junctions, how much time there needs to be between trains and how trains will be timetabled to ensure appropriate performance.

The EAS describes the arrangements for engineering access to the CCOS. It sets out the location, number, date and duration of possession access required to deliver inspection, maintenance, renewal and enhancement activities on the infrastructure which may mean the CCOS is not available for train services.


2025 Timetable

Sunday 15 December 2024 to Saturday 13 December 2025

2026 Timetable

Applicable from Sunday 14th December 2025 to Saturday 12th December 2026

Terms of Access - Stations

Template Station Access Agreement

The RfL(I) Station Access Agreement sets out the terms and conditions under which a train operator has permission to use an RfL(I) station.

Station Access Conditions

The RfL(I) Station Access Conditions are a common set of rules which will apply across every train operator which accesses an RfL(I) station. The RfL(I) Station Access Conditions form part of the RfL(I) Station Access Agreement. For example, they set out how charges are determined and allocated between operators, and how they may be varied and how changes can be made to the RfL(I) station.

 A specific set of Station Access Conditions apply to the initial period of revenue service following completion of trial running and trial operations. For this initial period an Interim Charging Framework established by the Office of Rail and Road (ORR) will apply under which the Investment Recovery Charge and the Long Term Charge are not levied.

Station Access Conditions Annexes

The RfL(I) Station Access Conditions Annexes contain specific information about individual stations such as plans, details of facilities at the station and charges for access to that station. The annexes below cover the period of trial running and trial operations and the initial period of revenue service to which the Interim Charging Framework applies. For these periods the Long Term Charge has been set to zero in Annex 8 and the Investment Recovery Charge is not applicable. Revised annexes will be issued including the amounts of these charges once a Final Charging Framework has been established by the ORR.


The RfL(I) consults with the railway industry and other interested parties to develop its documents.

Documents from closed consultations