A316 Manor Circus roundabout

What we're doing

The road works on the A316 Manor Circus (roundabout) near Richmond include:

  • Urgent structural repairs to the bridge deck beneath the roundabout. Damage was caused by historic water leaks and water infiltration in the central disc of the junction. These works were originally scheduled for summer 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic led to delays
  • Road safety improvements like upgraded pedestrian crossings, wider footways, cycle facilities, and carriageway resurfacing. We'll also improve the existing green infrastructure, including new planting in the centre of the roundabout, after the bridge deck repairs

We're combining the work into one period of roadworks to minimise disruption.

Find out more about the roadworks and their impact on the local area in our list of frequently asked questions (FAQs).

Why we're doing the work

The safety improvements that follow the bridge repairs are expected to reduce the number of road collisions resulting in injury by more than half.

There were 13 collisions on the roundabout and existing zebra crossings in the 36 months up to February 2023.

In 2014, we consulted on proposals for the A316 Manor Circus junction. We received 573 responses with 62% support.

Phases of work

Our contractors are working on each arm of the roundabout separately to minimise disruption.

We're working to minimise the disruption as much as possible by combining construction activities and reviewing signal timings among other steps. We're also looking at where we can speed up our construction programme to reduce the impact on residents.

While working on the bridge deck in October 2024, the vibration from our works caused a fracture in a Thames Water main, more than a metre away from the working area. Since then, we have been working with Thames Water to carry out the necessary repairs while continuing with the essential bridge deck works on the southern section of the bridge. Thames Water completed their repair works in mid-February 2024.

In March 2024 we were able to install a temporary roundabout at the junction after finishing the bridge deck repairs. This is expected to improve traffic flow through the junction.

We monitor the network 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our goal is to ensure the safety and efficient operation of the road network for general traffic, buses, freight, pedestrians and cyclists.

We've also implemented a wider signal strategy across the A316 to reduce delays in the area.

How our works may affect you

The roundabout will be open for most of the works.

Any closures will happen overnight. A limited amount of night-time working may be needed to do certain activities - noise and vibration will be kept to a minimum.

Construction activity started in early August 2023. Works normally take place Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00 and Saturday 8:00-13:00.

Sandycombe Road will stay closed for vehicles travelling southbound for another week. The reopening is set for early April 2024, subject to traffic conditions on the A316.

Once Sandycombe Road reopens, bus route 110 will return to normal. Route H37 should also be able to return to normal following a route test made by TfL Buses.

With the bridge deck refurbishment complete, the remaining works to improve road safety can begin. These works include:

  • Upgraded and signalised pedestrian crossings
  • Widened and upgraded footways
  • Improved cycle facilities
  • Planting

Because of Thames Water works delay over the winter, project completion is now set for summer 2024. We're discussing with our contractors how to speed up the remaining phases of the project.

An accessibility audit will be made on site in each construction phase. This will review the layout of fences, barriers, and temporary pedestrian and cycle diversions, and recommend changes to improve accessibility.

For the latest information on how roads are operating in the area, check traffic status updates. You can also use our travel tools to plan your journey.

Collaboration with Cadent Gas (works complete)

The local gas company Cadent identified that a critical iron main in this area needed to be upgraded. This was replaced with new plastic pipes for a safe, reliable gas supply for years to come.

TfL and Cadent have been working closely with the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames and the Greater London Authority over the past few months. This is to ensure these upgrades were done collaboratively and as efficiently as possible - using the dig-once approach to reduce disruption while improving the resilience of local infrastructure.

Accessible pedestrian crossing trial

We are carrying out a trial on more accessible ways to call a traffic light at a pedestrian crossing.

The trial is taking place during these works on the temporary traffic lights will be installed. This is to improve accessibility for people who travel through the area and may be affected by the works.

In addition to the usual button, 3 innovative technologies will be trialled:

  • A mobile phone app that connects to the crossing and works as a remote control
  • A wireless button that can be fitted to a mobility scooter, walking frame or electric wheelchair, that connects to the crossing and works as a remote control
  • A handheld tube that can be pressed from either end, for example for people who have trouble pressing buttons due to hand tremors

Email ManorCircus@tfl.gov.uk if you live locally to Manor Circus and would like to take part in the trial.