TfL asks for views on options to improve Fiveways Croydon

02 February 2015

Transport for London (TfL), working closely with London Borough of Croydon, has today (2 February) begun its initial consultation on major improvements to Fiveways Croydon as part of its continuing £4bn Road Modernisation Plan.

The proposals aim to improve the look of the local area, as well as help manage both current and predicted traffic levels related to future increases in south London's economy and population, as well as the Croydon Opportunity Area's planned growth. They would be funded by the London Borough of Croydon, TfL and through the Mayor's Growth Fund.

The Fiveways Corner and nearby roads are extremely busy, with motorists and bus users frequently experiencing delays at peaks times - especially on weekend afternoons when large numbers of shoppers head to the popular major retail parks along the A23 Purley Way. The proposals include increasing road capacity through the Fiveways Corner junction and along the A232 Croydon Road and Duppas Hill Road, as well as providing new cycling facilities, more accessible pedestrian crossings and improvements to bus journey time reliability and bus stop accessibility in the area. New trees would be planted and landscaping carried out, with the overall scheme designed to help deliver the strategic vision for the future of London's roads, as outlined by the Mayor's Roads Task Force in July 2013.

Following discussions with Croydon Council, TfL is asking for views on two possible proposals for Fiveways Croydon. These are:

  • Creating a new road, cycle and pedestrian bridge between the A232 Croydon Road and Duppas Hill Road. The new bridge would remove the need for traffic along the A232 to use the A23 Purley Way and Fiveways Corner to get to Croydon Town Centre and would also improve access for pedestrians and cyclists; or
  • Widening the A23 where it crosses the railway by Waddon station and making Epsom Road wider to accommodate two-way traffic. This option would remove eastbound traffic from A232 Stafford Road and improve traffic capacity in the area.

Both proposals would change the road layout to reduce existing congestion, improve journey time reliability, accommodate future growth and improve the appearance of the main streets in the area. Additionally, TfL is looking into various options for finishing the bridge to ensure it complements its surroundings. Subject to consultation, TfL would aim to start work on the improvements during winter 2018/19, to be delivered by 2020.

Alan Bristow, Director of Road Space Management at TfL, said: `The Purley Way bypass along the A23 is 90 years old this year and, in that time, the area around this vital main road has been completely transformed by new retail areas and houses. These new proposals for the Fiveways junction will allow the area to continue to grow, while also improving it for current residents and businesses. We look forward to hearing people's views on these exciting new plans, which form part of our £4bn Road Modernisation Plan to transform London's roads and urban realm and support the growth of the capital's economy and population.'

Councillor Kathy Bee, cabinet member for transport and environment, said: `Croydon residents are all too familiar with how busy Fiveways can be, especially during rush hour. These proposals will tackle congestion and deliver big improvements on managing traffic in that area. They will also provide new cycle lanes, more accessible pedestrian crossings and widened footways in some places, whilst also providing opportunities for improved public space and helping to improve bus services.

`Purley Way is one of Croydon's main routes, so we'd really like people to give their views on these proposals and help shape how we transform this busy part of our borough.'

For more information about the proposals, please visit