Route D8 re-routed to serve Olympic Park

25 November 2014

Bus passengers in east London are to benefit from better connectivity in the local area from this Saturday (29 November), as Transport for London (TfL) re-routes the D8 via Carpenters Road and Pool Street to provide access to destinations in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, such as the London Aquatics Centre and ArcelorMittal Orbit.

Route D8, which is operated by Docklands Buses, runs between Crossharbour and Stratford International bus station via Canary Wharf, All Saints and Bow Church.

These changes follow a consultation, which ran in early 2013, and are part of a wider programme of work to secure a lasting legacy in east London following the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

In August 2013, route D8 was extended to Stratford International bus station as part of a package of bus service changes around Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.

John Barry, TfL's Head of Network Development for buses, said: `The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games delivered a world-class event and we want to play our part in ensuring that its legacy lives on in east London. By re-rerouting the D8 bus local communities will be able to access the Olympic Park and its facilities much more easily.'

The route D8 will continue to run at the same frequency as it does now - with a bus every 12 minutes during Monday to Saturday daytimes, and a bus about every 20 minutes in the evenings and on Sundays.