New Malden residents to be offered individual travel advice
Bus use has increased by 50 per cent and cycle journeys have doubled
Transport for London (TfL), in partnership with Kingston Council, is launching a new scheme to encourage people living in and around New Malden to use more sustainable forms of transport, like walking, cycling and public transport.
Under the Personal Travel Planning (PTP) scheme TfL and the Royal Borough of Kingston will aim to contact each household in the New Malden area to offer advice, information, and encouragement to help people choose the best way to make their journeys.
The scheme is part of the Mayor of London's strategy to encourage Londoners to use public transport and cycle and walk more.
During the past five years in London, bus use has increased by 50 per cent and cycle journeys have doubled.
From May this year Local Travel Advisors will visit homes to provide tailored travel options, giving advice on public transport options, cycling and walking routes.
Ben Plowden, Managing Director, Group Communications, TfL, said: "Many people are keen to choose healthier and more environmentally friendly ways to travel, but are unsure of what options are open to them.
"By contacting people individually we will be able to provide the best journey options for their needs.
"Small changes like cycling to the gym or local shops or even walking children to school a couple of times a week can help to reduce congestion, improve health and save money.
"Transport for London is investing to improve bus services and cycling and walking facilities and we want to make sure Londoners know how to take advantage of those improvements."
Good going
Councillor Patricia Bamford, Executive Member for Transportation and Sustainable Development, Kingston Council, said: "Following on from our success as 'Good Going borough of the year,' we are delighted to have been selected to run this project, which is the largest of its type in the UK.
"If it is a success we aim to roll this out to other parts of the borough and that two thirds of our population will have received personalised advice by 2009."
TfL is trialling the PTP scheme in the Royal Borough of Kingston, with the results of the trial will be analysed with a view to extending it to other areas in the capital.
TfL has recently allocated the Royal Borough of Kingston:
- £645,000 for investment in cycling and walking
- £525,000 for bus priority schemes
- £575,000 for road safety improvements